Northern Voice 2011

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Canada’s original personal blogging conference, founded in 2005, will be taking place this weekend out at UBC. Northern Voice has been bringing bloggers together to talk about everything from transit and politics to journalism and knitting with a core focus on sharing, collaborating, and blogging your heart out in whatever capacity.

Northern Voice 2010

I have been attending Northern Voice since 2007 (it would have been 2006 but we couldn’t afford it back then). What happens when you get a group of over a hundred bloggers, innovators, and social media enthusiasts together is something pretty magical.

I often receive emails asking me if I know of events or workshops about these topics and at the top of my list of recommendations is Northern Voice. It’s not about making money blogging, it’s not about how businesses are using Twitter. It’s about people who create the things that we use, read, share, and love online.

You don’t just meet passionate people from the community, you are instantly a part of it. A few of the topics this year include:

Social Media and Online Defamation: Keeping Out of Court
Naked Truth, Canadian Science Blogging Scene
Your Blog is Boring and Your Photos Suck
Be Rocktacular: Stories from a Music Blogger and Indie Rock Nerd
Sex, Lies, and Wikipedia
Parenting Online, Families, Blogs, and Social Media
… and more

Both Friday and Saturday will also start out with Yoga for Geeks in the morning. They will also have MooseCamp which is an unconference – meaning you show up, pitch a topic, and could be a speaker as the schedule is made on-site.

Tickets are still available for $50 one day, or $90 for both days. Follow @northernvoice or the tag #nv11 for updates and information about the conference.

I will be doing a shift at the WordPress help desk so come by and see me during the day if you have any WordPress questions.

2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Jon StrocelWednesday, May 11th, 2011 — 1:01pm PDT

    We’ll see you there, and looking forward to being part of a panel on hyper-local blogging.

  2. Links – Referendums and Northern Voice 2011Thursday, May 12th, 2011 — 9:03am PDT

    […] Northern Voice has been going strong for 7 years now, and if you’re interested in the world of blogging and social media, last I heard there were a few tickets left. […]

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