Vancouver Central Library Sweet 16
byThe central branch of the Vancouver Public Library will be celebrating its “Sweet 16” anniversary next month by hosting a late-night, all-ages music and dance party. The coliseum-style building has been an iconic part of downtown Vancouver’s skyline, and has even played a starring role in various TV series and films produced in Hollywood North.
What: Central Library’s Sweet 16
When: Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 8:00pm
Where: Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level of Central Library, 350 West Georgia St
Admission: Free
No need to be silent at this festive occasion, that will have live entertainment, a candy buffet, door prizes, and treats sponsored by Sweet Naturally, Natural Baked Goods.
What: Past, Present, & Future displays and exhibits throughout the day
When: Thursday, May 26, 2011
Where: Central Library Promenade
Admission: Free

Photo credit: susan gittins, Stephen Reeson Flickr
Photo credit: Juan Carlos Partidas on Flickr
Photo credit: kennymatic, just_jeanette on Flickr
On May 26th a time capsule, to be opened in 2040, will be buried. Both events are sponsored by Friends of the Vancouver Public Library.
The photos in this post were all submitted to the Miss604 Group on Flickr.
1 Comment — Comments Are Closed
*Sixteen*? It still feels like it was put up just yesterday. Thanks for the article, Rebecca.