Hotel Bellwether in Bellingham
byThe beauty of living in Vancouver is that we have seemingly endless options for weekend activities. Whether it’s heading for a walk in the woods, cycling a sea side route, or even leaving town to explore more of the Pacific Northwest. When some retail therapy is in order, especially with a strong Canadian dollar in our pockets, Bellingham is a top destination for locals.
We discovered this weekend that aside from doing slingshot trips South, hitting up Target and Trader Joe’s, there’s a beautiful overnight option available right along the bay.

Hotel Bellwether
Website, Twitter, Facebook, rooms from $165 USD.
This 65-room inn is just 10 minutes from Bellis Fair mall and is situated right on Bellingham Bay. Surrounded by free parking, walking trails, kite-flyers, and sailboats, it’s a picturesque maritime setting.
John and I have a bit of a routine when we check into hotel rooms. Open the door, check to see where the washroom is, scope out the view on the balcony, plug in our electronics, and hook up to the WIFI. We found a snug jacuzzi tub, standing shower stall, TV with full digital cable (so we could still get CTV or CBC), and complimentary (high speed) internet. We were told that most rooms have a king size bed and two of the three floors are pet-friendly.

After we settled in, we were given a tour of the property including a peek at the lighthouse suite. Located in an actual lighthouse-style structure, it’s 3 floors of accommodation with panoramic balconies and amenities fit for honeymooners or anyone who wants to feel like a newlywed.

We returned to our bay-view room, popped open some Washington state wine, and watched the sun duck behind the Olympic Mountains before we headed down to Harborside Bistro, located on the first floor of the hotel.
Dinner featured locally-sourced ingredients like fiddlehead ferns, fresh mushrooms, and Oregon beef. We barely shared our caramel bread pudding or bourbon chocolate desserts with each other as it was difficult not to gobble them down immediately following our meal.

Until recently, I had no idea that the Bellwether, and its entire waterfront district (with plaza, spa, restaurants) existed. For a quick trip out of town, without losing stunning coastal views, it’s a nice option to rest your head if indeed you’d like to shop til you drop or make some time for a bit of romance with a loved one.
Disclosure: I was not paid to visit the hotel however our accommodation was courtesy of the Bellwether.
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Spent 10 days in Washington last summer camping along the cost got the ferry in Port Angeles to Victoria and spent 4 day on the island before heading home to Vancouver. Very nice.