THRiVEtastic Challenge with Trevor Linden

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Yesterday I was along for the ride as Trevor Linden ran around Vancouver unloading $7,000 in 7 hours for the THRiVEtastic campaign. He was selected by ING Direct to compete against Henry Burris (Calgary), Amber Mac (Toronto), and Tammy Verge (Montreal), by spending money using their new Thrive ‘fee free’ chequing account. Each participant received $15,000 for the charity of their choice upfront (Linden supporting the Trevor Linden Foundation), and if they clocked the best time, they would get an additional $15,000.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign Diners at Sophie's being told @Trevor_Linden is buying their breakfast #THRiVEtastic

Stop 1: Buying breakfast for everyone at Sophie’s Cosmic Cafe.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Stop 2: Covering admission for 3 bus-loads of young students at the Space Centre.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Stop 3: Heading to Vancity Sports to purchase jerseys and t-shirts.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Stop 4: Buying bundles of rain coats at MEC for donation that afternoon.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Stop 5: Visiting Templeton Secondary School in East Vancouver. We met in their Sacred Room for a presentation, talk, and viewing of one of the student’s own music videos (below). It was so powerful and so well-done. The student wrote the song and made this video himself, inspired by his own struggles and his mother’s story.

The following video contains some mature language

After the private meeting, Trevor bought over $600 worth of pizzas for students to devour in the cafeteria. He presented two students with signed jerseys and donated a signed jersey to the school for future fundraising purposes.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Stop 6: Donating the rain coats to a shelter on the Downtown East Side as well as making a cash donation. For privacy purposes I won’t say which but, the t-shirts were also handed out to passers-by and Trevor was signing them on the spot.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Stop 7: Visiting the ING Cafe on Pender and Hornby where Trevor met with Meena Sandhu and paid bills for several people who stopped by. He also made a donation to KidSport BC.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Stop 8: Picking up some treats at the Candy Aisle on Robson.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Stop 9: Making a donation at the Vancouver Public Library, then handing out the candy along the plaza.

Trevor Linden doing the ING THRiVEtastic campaign

Henry Burris ending up being the winner yesterday however the Trevor Linden Foundation still received a nice boost, as did the rest of the causes we visited.

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. JennyThursday, March 10th, 2011 — 7:00pm PST

    love the track suit! What a great idea for an event. looks like lots of fun and lots of people around the city benefited.

  2. Lori MThursday, March 10th, 2011 — 8:34pm PST

    Nicely done Trevor & ING! Looks like you put a smile on a lot of faces:)

  3. Philip T.Thursday, March 10th, 2011 — 11:03pm PST

    It’s always great to see Trevor Linden continue to do such wonderful work for the community!

  4. » Meeting Trevor LindenSaturday, March 12th, 2011 — 4:03pm PST

    […] had heard that Trevor Linden was traveling around the Lower Mainland with my Twitter buddy Miss604 for something called The THRIVEtastic Campaign and I decided [rather last minute while waiting […]

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