Driving from Kumasi to Accra, Ghana

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I am currently in Ghana to experience Cadbury’s Bicycle Factory delivery. This is their second delivery in two years thanks to the help of Canadians who participated in the online project.

When departing Kumasi City (Ghana’s second largest city) to head back to Accra (the capital) we ran into a bit of an issue at the airport. With only 4 members of our group receiving boarding passes for the flight, the rest of us rented a van. As the crow flies, the cities are only about 250kms apart however with traffic and road work, we arrived at our hotel just over 6 hours later.

Kumasi to Accra Kumasi to Accra
Kumasi to Accra The road into Accra

Pointing my camera out the window of the bus, I shot this quick video in a few parts. You can tell the road gets a little bumpy along the way but I just wanted to show the route. The scenery went from dusty to lush and back again while small towns bustled with activity.

There’s not only a culture shock between Canada and Ghana, but between the major cities and the rural communities here. Everyone is connected through texting, 3G mobiles, and my hotel had WiFi so I could blog and Skype with home. While just hours away, we were out in a dirt playground with children who walk long distances in 40C degree heat to get water from a well pump. You can find similar contrasts in many countries around the world and even in our own back yard to various degrees.

If you are so inclined, please check out the work that CARE International is doing globally and in Ghana. Locally, at the very least, follow organizations like @VanFoodBank, @UGM, @BeautyNight, @CovenantHouseBC and many others on Twitter to find out more about their work and consider supporting their efforts in Vancouver.

I leave Ghana tonight with mixed emotions but am thankful for the opportunity I have been given. Hopefully I can return again (with John) in the future to spend more time in this caring and passionate nation.

Disclosure: I have not been paid by Cadbury to participate in this trip. However, they have covered my accommodation and airfare to come along and document what I experience.

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. LindaSaturday, February 19th, 2011 — 10:14pm PST

    Thanks for posting the video. What a great experience for you. Seeing a developing country in person just makes you appreciate all the luxuries we have in the Western world. It also makes you realise that we don’t always need to rely on material possessions to make us happy.

  2. Big Bro (in-law)Monday, February 21st, 2011 — 7:53am PST

    Enjoy the trip. I can understand the wide spectrum of experiences before you.

    It’s huge continent ranging from desert to jungle–pockets of riches and wide tracks of proverty.

    My time was in Angola, 1992. President G.H. Bush (41), sent our unit to help the UN demobilize the warring sides in 1992. It didn’t work. They resumed fighting the civil war for another 14 years.

    I also saw a bit of Senegal. We moved a multi-national African task force into Liberia to restore order after their government melted down. I saw five-star hotels next to some dirt poor towns.

    I now contribute to Rise International–an NGO providing relief and education in the shattered back country of Angola. I often wonder if my aid touches some the rural towns where I landed my aircraft two decades ago.

  3. AbenaSunday, January 1st, 2012 — 3:37pm PST

    I was in Ghana last August/September and I loved seeing your video. It makes me realize how much I miss it and look forward to traveling there again.

Also on Miss604.com