Vancouver 125 Years of History and Beyond

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver will be celebrating its 125th anniversary this year and the City will be launching its celebration campaign for ‘Vancouver 125’ on Monday, January 17, 2011.

This will encompasses the following Vision Statement:
“Building on the momentum, energy and spirit generated during the Olympics, and through a growing awareness and understanding of our identities, first nations’ heritage and cultural diversity, the people and neighbourhoods of Vancouver feel excitement, pride and enthusiasm for a celebration in recognition of Vancouver’s 125th with activities that engage and enrich our society through the celebration of art and culture.” [source]

1886 – Vancouver Archives location #: GN dr 21

While I am involved in several aspects of official ‘Vancouver125’ festivities, I also plan to profile key moments and places through a specified history series over the next few months. Featuring first nations heritage, notes from the first City Council minutes (dated May 12, 1886), and reliving the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games, I will have a lot of worthy ground to cover. This will be very similar to my current weekly history post but with more of a highlight on dates and events.

We can all celebrate what Vancouver is today but it’s not without looking back that we can move forward and build on some tremendous momentum.

You will be able to follow the series through my regular History category or the Vancouver125 tag. I will also welcome and answer (to the best of my abilities and research) all historic inquiries submitted by comment or contact form.

Vancouver’s 125 anniversary will be celebrated April 6, 2011 and their official Twitter account is @Vancouver125.

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3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. gigglesTuesday, January 11th, 2011 — 11:08am PST

    This should be exciting. Look forward to reading this series. Have you read the book ” A thousand Dreams” a lot of the East side history in that riveting book. I loved it!

  2. PhanyxxTuesday, January 11th, 2011 — 12:53pm PST

    It always blows my mind how huge this city has grown in such a short span of time. Most cities are hundreds of years old, but 125 years ago Vancouver was a saw mill and a few wooden buildings..

  3. Rebecca Bollwitt, Miss604 Rebecca BollwittTuesday, January 11th, 2011 — 1:42pm PST

    @giggles I haven’t read the book but am curious now!
    @Phanyxx I know, eh? Heritage houses here are from 1920 meanwhile in New England they are from 1790.

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