Archives Photos of the Day: Royal Visits

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I have been on a bit of a royal kick lately so I thought it would be fitting to profile photos of royal visits to Vancouver in this week’s roundup from the Vancouver Archives.

Year: 1912
Subject: Duke of Connaught at the Hastings Park, decorates a boy scout for life saving
Vancouver Archives Item#: Duke of Conn P10

Year: 1916
Subject: King George, Queen Mary & Princess Mary
Vancouver Archives Item#: Mil P281.63

Year: 1919
Subject: H.R.H. Prince of Wales in Vancouver
Vancouver Archives Item#: CVA 99-814
Photographer / studio: Stuart Thomson

Year: 1919
Subject: H.R.H. Prince of Wales leaving Vancouver by train for New Westminster
Vancouver Archives Item#: CVA 99-852
Photographer / studio: Stuart Thomson

Year: 1931
Subject: King Prajadhpol of Siam arrives by train
Vancouver Archives Item#: CVA 99-2531
Photographer / studio: Stuart Thomson

Year: 1937
Subject: Prince & Princess Chichibu of Japan in the roof garden of the (2nd) Hotel Vancouver
Vancouver Archives Item#: Port P250.3

Building arches to welcome royal visitors seemed to be the practice in Vancouver.

Year: 1912
Subject: Chinese arch on Hastings Street for the visit of the Duke of Connaught
Vancouver Archives Item#: CVA 677-417

Year: 1912
Subject: Stanley Park Arch (Georgia St entrance) for the visit of the Duke & Duchess of Connaught
Vancouver Archives Item#: SGN 331

Year: 1912
Subject: Chinese arch at Pender & Carrall, for visit of the Duke & Duchess of Connaught
Vancouver Archives Item#: SGN 332

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Helen D. BoyceSaturday, July 2nd, 2011 — 11:58am PDT


    I was one of the Vancouver City Council Members presented to The Queen and Prince Philip on the occasion of the opening of Science World in 1986(?) and would love to have a picture from that even if possible. I did have a copy of one with me watching the Queen proceed along the line, but have misplaced it. Please advise. Thank you, Helen D. Boyce

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