Hanson at the Commodore This Month, Win Tickets

Comments 23 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Hanson will be playing the Commodore September 25th, bringing their mature and intimate rock sound back to Vancouver for the first time in two years.

I had the chance to interview Zac, Taylor, and Isaac two years ago at the Commodore along with Keira. At the time they were promoting their album “The Walk” by doing a pre-show walk around the block in bare feet in support of TOMS Shoes. They were really friendly, humble, passionate, and any doubts the audience ever had about them being able to play their own instruments were instantly squashed when they took the stage.

Tickets are currently available through Live Nation for their show this month.

I have a unique prize pack to offer one lucky reader and a guest that includes a meet and greet with the band and two tickets to their show.

To enter to win, please leave a comment on this post stating why you would like to win this prize — I’d really like to make sure a Hanson fan gets the meet and greet opportunity. Perhaps you’re Hanson’s biggest fan, you love their latest tunes, or you’ve always wanted to meet the men that you first saw as boys singing “MMMBop” on MuchMusic. Let me know in the comments and you’ll be entered to win.

I will draw one winner from the comment entries on September 16th at 9:00am.

UpdateThe winner is Celena, congratulations!

23 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. ShawnTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 1:04pm PDT

    Mmm bop, ba duba dop
    Ba du bop, ba duba dop
    Ba du bop, ba duba dop
    Ba du

    Count me in.

  2. Kristen MillironTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 1:10pm PDT

    Eeek this is fantastic, I’m so glad that Hanson’s finally getting some publicity for their show in September!

    I’ve tried and tried to get the Peak to play their new stuff but to no avail…I’m sure that if the media and Vancouverites could get beyond their name (and its negative connotaion from the MmmBop days) everyone would love Hanson’s new tunes.

    That said, take a peek at their latest video, a remake of the infamous Blues Brothers scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmG0DqhfDbY and learn the moves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T9DTolXqj4 just in case there’s a flashmob in Vancouver…you never know with Hanson!

    Oh – and I guess the post as to why I should win…I think it’s obvious I love these boys 🙂

  3. Sameer VastaTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 1:12pm PDT

    Ah! How I want to win this so much, but sadly there is no way I can get to Vancouver that weekend.

    My best friend MP is the biggest Hanson fan you know: she knows the words of every song on every album (and the unreleased tracks), has seen them perform on every tour they have ever had (sometimes more than once on each tour), knows incredible amounts of trivia and information about each of the brothers, and most of all, loves their music more than anyone I’ve ever met.

    Heck, we drove all the way to Buffalo and back to go see them perform a few months ago. And I mean, who drives to Buffalo on a Wednesday night?

    Yeah, that’s real fandom. I would do almost anything in the world to win a meet-and-greet with the band for her — but sadly my inability to get across the country that night puts me out of the draw, I guess.

    Next time…

  4. MarissaTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 1:26pm PDT

    I would love to win! I’ve loved Hanson ever since I was a little girl with their poster on my wall!

  5. AmyTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 1:27pm PDT

    Oh em gee!!! i would love this experience to meet the hanson brothers because i have been such a huge fan since grade 2 (thats 16 years now!) when they first came out with Mmmbop! I’m always so shocked when people say they don’t know Mmmbop…i’m like whaaat how could u not! Im so excited about their new music thats come out as its all really catchy! I enjoy listening to their songs…even their christmas ones!!! 😀 They all definitely make me happy as they’re all so upbeat and dancable! Brings me back to my childhood ahah. My friend and I were such huge fans in gr2 that we use to go through magazines weekly and clip out their articles/pictures and post them all around our rooms.

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter this contest Miss604!!!

  6. NatalieTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 1:38pm PDT

    I’m not going to lie but I still play their first CD “Middle of Nowhere” like it’s going out of style! I have all their cd’s and they are on constant rotation on my IPod. Would love a chance for a meet & greet / tickets!!

  7. AidanTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 1:58pm PDT

    I have always been a fan of their music. Even listening to their old music still brings a smile on my face. Their new stuff I have really been getting into. When I first heard that they were coming to Vancouver i tried asking all my friends who wants to go but sadly they dont want to go (grown out of their music) or they are too broke to attend (most of us are students still or on very tight budgets) I would love to win this as it is also the day after my 28th birthday and would love to surprise my best friend with a ticket as she wanted to marry them when she was a teen. =) i would also love to win because i have never won anything… I am so unlucky –

  8. PhilTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 4:01pm PDT

    I really enjoy their music especially when I’m exercising outdoors, running on treadmills, or spinning!

  9. CelenaTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 5:16pm PDT

    When I was in grade 7 two of my best friends and I started a HANSON cover Band…. only we played cardboard instruments. It was so much fun then! I have all of their albums! I was so inspired that (fast forward into the future) I now play a real instrument in a band 🙂


  10. mariaTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 6:14pm PDT

    I have been a big of fan of theirs for years….mmmbop was a great tune!

  11. KatieTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 6:23pm PDT

    I’ve loved Hanson since I was 13 back in 1997. Have all their albums, been to both concerts they’ve had here in Vancouver (2000 and 2008), met them their last time here on Breakfast TV and had an absolute blast. I’m currently working with BT to get Hanson to come up early on the 24th to perform on City TV again because it was absolutely amazing last time and great promo for their concert. I would love to meet them again, but if someone else needs it more on here who hasn’t met them, give it to them. I’ll be at the show regardless. 🙂 Thanks for the press, REbecca (I also remember listening to your interview from 2008 and your photos from the show. Nice job.)

  12. AnaTuesday, September 7th, 2010 — 7:37pm PDT

    I am the biggest Fanson I know! I’ve religiously followed them for the past 13 years. In my childhood, my wallpaper was soley Hanson posters (with the area around their mouths worn thin from my pre-real kisses kissing practice. That’s actually pretty embarassing now that I think of it…)
    I remember getting into the one and only real fist fight I’ve been in with my best friend when we were 11 over who was going to marry Zac.
    In my young adulthood I threw birthday parties for Zac every October 22nd, often only attended by my sister.
    Not gonna lie, now in my mid-twenties I still throw birthday parties for Zac every October 22nd.
    I have been to 5 Hanson concerts in my time, but never have lived my childhood (and present) dream of actually meeting them. The closest I got was screaming “I LOVE YOU!” at thier tour bus repeatedly when I found out where it was parked for an Ottawa show.
    Currently, Hanson albums are the only thing on my ipod as I have just gone through a hellish break up where I can’t listen to any music any more because it all reminds me of the ex. Except Hanson. They will always be MY band. My musical refuge.
    This year I plan on going to follow them from Portland to Seattle to Vancouver, if I had the chance to finally meet them? Wow. I would pee my pants.

  13. AidanWednesday, September 8th, 2010 — 8:45am PDT

    What’s really sad, is that I am so far the oldest person to be posting for this contest. Though it is really awesome. I was in grade 10 when they came out, I had my room plastered with their pictures (next to the backstreet boys pictures) – I love their Middle of Nowhere Cd, but I do own all of them. I even still play their Christmas Album at Christmas time (and that one week during the summer where I wish for snow) – It would really make my day being able to go to their concert, as I have never been able to go as financially I am unable to.

  14. Sabina DThursday, September 9th, 2010 — 2:17pm PDT

    I’ve been a Hanson fan since the first time I saw them on tv singing their bubble gum Mmmm Bop. I have continued to listen to them over the years and love the talent that these guys have shown. Singers, songwriters and all around talented musicians. It would be an honor to see them – let alone meet them.

  15. RoshenaFriday, September 10th, 2010 — 4:26pm PDT

    My bestie has always been the hugest fan of Hanson. In the face of others’ criticism, her enthusiasm remained unshakable. I’d love for her to be able to meet them in person – finally!

  16. JessicaSaturday, September 11th, 2010 — 10:37pm PDT

    I’ve been a huge fan of Hanson and I’d love a chance to meet them at their concert. Count me in =)

  17. steffiSunday, September 12th, 2010 — 3:21pm PDT

    Hi I just moved here from Berlin and would love to win the tickets. I know Hanson since a long time. And Mmmh Bop brings so much memories from highschool back 🙂

  18. BelyndaTuesday, September 14th, 2010 — 8:54am PDT

    I love Hanson! I was at their show two years ago and they were so amazing. I would love to get out there to see them again, and it just happens that I will be in Vancouver (I’m from Chilliwack) on that day, as part of a birthday present from my boyfriend. Hanson sure would be a treat!

  19. Jenny LeeWednesday, September 15th, 2010 — 4:36pm PDT

    I love their music! I would love to meet them! EEEEE!

  20. KarenWednesday, September 15th, 2010 — 4:38pm PDT

    i’d love to win this so i can enjoy their new songs and getting to meet them would be a bonus!

  21. TanisThursday, September 16th, 2010 — 8:35am PDT

    This is awesome! I’ve loved Hanson since they came out YEARS ago and I have all their cds! I think Taylor is cute and would love to meet him and his brothers!

    I’ve never been to any of their concerts since I have been busy when they’ve been in Vancouver previously and I’d love to go to this one and would drive to Vancouver and home again (I live in the Okanagan) that night just to see and meet them!

    Thanks so much for the contest!

  22. ShannonThursday, September 16th, 2010 — 9:27am PDT

    Because ANDREW ALLEN will be there 🙂

  23. BertineSunday, September 19th, 2010 — 6:24pm PDT

    I am from Germany, just arrived in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago to spend 8 months in this beautiful city. When I saw this morning that Hanson is playing a concert here (I know that’s late but I am soo glad I got to know about it) it took me not even a second to decide that I want to see this show. The Mmmh Bop used to be a big hit all over the world. I guess this CD was one of my first ones. Unfortunately, I never saw a concert of them. Now, about 13 years after my first Hanson experience, it’s time to see them! Back home I was checking out their music all the time, I couldn’t believe that they still play music and I like it so much even after all these years. Being at this concert will make a dream of mine come true. Such as being in Vancouver!

Also on Miss604.com