Amuse Consulting Social Media Seminar

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Next week Marc Smith – event planner extraordinaire – from Amuse Consulting will be hosting a social media seminar: “How to use Twitter & Facebook to Raise Your Profile & Increase Business“.

Social Media IconsMarc’s not a self-proclaimed social media “guru” or “expert” but he is a small business owner who has grown his audience, reach, and customer base by using social media tools. Unlike other seminars that spew buzz words without talking of actual results, Marc will be using real-world examples and providing information (about Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.) that has helped him and his business.

I have worked with Marc on several occasions including Twestival Vancouver and with his help, it was our most successful Twestival fundraiser to date.

There are two seminar times to choose from on Tuesday September 14th: a breakfast session at 7:30am and a lunch session at 12:30pm. You can sign up for the one that suits your schedule and admission is just $20.

Both sessions will have WIFI available as well as complimentary coffee. They will also be hands-on, so bring your laptops so you can take notes, click links provided, and see how things work for yourself.

2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. JustinneWednesday, September 8th, 2010 — 1:20am PDT

    Where can we get a discount code?

  2. DeVonne FriesenThursday, November 4th, 2010 — 8:16am PDT

    I’m interested in attending a social media seminar like the one you held on September 14. When are you offering one again?


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