Twister World Record Attempt in Vancouver

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This weekend we saw the world record for continuous high-fives get smashed at the PNE and coming up next month Vancouver Improv Anywhere will be trying to set their own record for most participants playing a game of Twister.

Coronado Twister Party_073110_0062
Photo credit: C o l i n on Flickr

When:: Sunday, September 12th, 2010 at 2:00pm
Where: MacInnes Field at UBC
Cost: Free to attend however it is their intention to raise money for BC Cancer Research so all 1,150 Twister mats will be available at a minimum donation of $10.

You won’t need to BYOB (bring your own board) as the event is sponsored by Hasbro Canada.

You can RSVP on their Facebook event to receive updates and participants are being advised to arrive early on the 12th if they wish to secure a board.

Vancouver Improv Anywhere will need to confirm 4,200 participants in order to get the world record attempt underway so they’ll do so if you are interested, email improvancouver[at]

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1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. PatrykThursday, September 9th, 2010 — 3:19pm PDT

    I’ll be there!

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