Vancouver Summer Sunsets

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Tornado warnings for various counties scroll along the TV screen while we watch local news coverage of flash floods here in Iowa. This isn’t exactly the sunny July summer I was expecting in Iowa although I’m happy to hear that back home in Vancouver you are not suffering the same fate. The heat is intense, the humidity is sticky on one’s skin, and for brief moments the clouds part enough to catch a glimpse of a spectacular sunset.

The sun is setting in Eastern Iowa...

I just know that by Friday when it clears up (as the forecasts are predicting) it will be absolutely breathtaking to watch the sun roll along the backs of the green corn-covered hills. In the meantime, I’m dreaming of home so here is a quick compilation of sunset photos from the Miss604 Flickr Group.

Vanier Park at Sunset
Photo credit: Popejon2 on Flickr
Scotch Pond Sunset Serving the sun Sunset & Luna
Photos: Clayton Perry Photoworks & Here in Vancouver
Casting About
Photo credit: Tom Wiebe on Flickr

If you would like to brighten my evening please feel free to add your sunset (or I’ll even take sunrise) photos to the Miss604 Flickr Group or @Miss604 on Twitter with a twitpic. For now, I’m keeping a close eye on the KatKam too.

Update Thank you for the submissions I’ve already received tonight:

Photo credit: Nicholas.Blah on Flickr
ships, night, passing and all that...
Photo credit: ecstaticist on Flickr

Photo credit: eph_photography on Flickr

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. LizThursday, July 8th, 2010 — 5:38am PDT

    Beautiful pictures. I really miss Vancouver. Wish I knew where each picture was taken.

  2. Ariane CThursday, July 8th, 2010 — 9:32am PDT

    That’s the thing about Vancouver. You start to miss it too quickly. We’re having a heatwave here! Don’t know when you’re returning, but it’s due to cool off to a “chilly” 21c on Monday.

    Hope you’re doing well, despite the stormy predictions. I remember those tornado warnings all too well, having lived in N. Indiana for five years with my family (back in the mid-70’s)!

  3. LaurenFriday, July 16th, 2010 — 12:40am PDT

    Ooh, these are heaven!! Love the Tom Wiebe one best of all.

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