Celebration of Light Fireworks Barge Tour
byThis morning I had the chance to tour the Celebration of Light fireworks barge that is anchored out in English Bay. For over a decade this has been the base of each explosive evening of pyrotechnics under the stars.

Team USA will be up first tomorrow, followed by Spain July 24th, Mexico July 28th, and a tribute to China on July 31st since they have won the Celebration of Light competition for so many years. Rozzi Fireworks company will be representing the USA for the first time at the Celebration of Light. They hail from Cincinnati where they setup displays for everything from the 4th of July to Reds baseball games. They’re used to putting on a show for large crowds and Vancouver will be no exception.

Here are some tidbits I learned about fireworks production:

Covered in sand, wires, and fire extinguishers, it’s amazing to see what that flat floating hunk of metal barge can produce in the night’s sky. It’s a culmination of careful design, precision, timing, and having a whole lot of fun when you see the joy the spectacles bring to young and old.
Reminder: You still have until July 27th to enter to win two prime viewing area seats for the fireworks finale. This includes two seats on top of the English Bay Bathhouse and a BBQ meal.
4 Comments — Comments Are Closed
Very interesting read! Thanks
Nice post, interesting facts and photos.
Thanks for this information; it’s very interesting and insightful. I encourage all event goers to PLEASE clean up after themselves. View a photo of last year’s mile of garbage left behind on beautiful English Bay from the event by using the above link to a facebook group that was started last year in response to this horrible situation. The trash was left overnight, and not cleaned up until 6 am the next morning. Meanwhile, our tides swept half of the trash out to sea, and the remainder was sifted through by homeless people, dragged through our neighbourhoods by local wildlife. Amongst the trash was broken glass, used hypo needles and worse. Even the Globe and Mail covered this, while Vancouverites ignored it. Thankfully, it appears the City has enlisted the help of a recycling company for this year, to assist with cleanup.
[…] you want to know more, this is an interesting read on the prep done for Celebration of Light. 49.172207 […]