Vancouver 2010 Day 0000

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver 2010 Torch Relay in Delta & SurreyMy first posts about the Vancouver 2010 Olympics was in November of 2007 although I’ve been following the lead up to the Games ever since I heard the IOC announcement of “Vancouver” for 2010 from my desk in Boston back in 2003.

Can you believe it’s actually here? I wrote a tweet this morning that simply said, “Welcome to probably your biggest day ever, Vancouver.” My husband woke up even more excited than a child on Christmas morning.

After watching the torch relay come through a crowd of thousands on Georgia Street we headed over to the countdown clock in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery. It reads, “Day 0000”. This is it. The Olympics are here.

Countdown Clock

A small group of colleagues stood in front of the clock and cheered, “Go Canada!” as their photo was taken. Within seconds more people joined in their photo. Complete strangers stood arm and arm to pose for another photo, together. Soon enough it became one massive photo opportunity with all participants chanting young and old chanting, “Go Canada!”.

Countdown Clock

To say I’m excited is an understatement and I told my husband already that I’m going to cry during the opening ceremony. The world’s eyes are now on my city and I’m lucky enough to be right smack dab in the middle of it all.

Countdown Clock

Across the city rounds of “O! Canada” are being sung and I’ve heard it at least twice already here at Robson Square. All I have to say is, Go Canada Go!

See also: John’s countdown to the Games from the eyes of an American in Vancouver.

5 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. rboFriday, February 12th, 2010 — 9:19am PST

    This post sums it up perfectly. The Olympics are here, and the City is ready. Even my skeptic friends have been wooed by the arrival of the torch and are now finding themselves excited for the Games, whether they like it or not! The feeling around here of pride, and of community, is stronger than I’ve ever felt.. and I truly hope that will remain as one of the legacies of Vancouver 2010!

  2. AdelaideFriday, February 12th, 2010 — 10:44am PST

    Too awesome for words.

  3. PJ in NanaimoFriday, February 12th, 2010 — 11:25am PST

    We’re so lucky to live in Canada, where we get to watch live coverage of all the events, all day long. (In the States, NBC only shows a few highlights each evening.) All day today, Friday the 12th, we can watch CTV’s live coverage of the torch relay, with many interviews. I also watched the ski-jump qualifying — it’s a gorgeous sunny day up on Whistler. Can’t wait for the Opening Ceremony tonight.

  4. MattFriday, February 12th, 2010 — 3:48pm PST

    Hard to believe it’s finally here.

  5. Vancouver 2010 The Final Tally » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittMonday, March 1st, 2010 — 4:33pm PST

    […] Vancouver 2010 Day 0000 […]

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