Peak Performance Project Finale
byThis post was contributed exclusively to by Michelle Kent.
The culmination of year one for the Peak Performance Project happened last night at the famed Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver. 3 BC bands went head to head to head for a piece of $275 G’s.

What a sweet, sweaty, good-rocking culmination it was.
First up; ‘We Are The City’, one of two finalists from the city of Kelowna. Good solid set of rockers and ballads from this talented trio of nineteen year old lads!
Second on the bill; ‘The Left’, hailing from Langley. Great set. Straight ahead, in-your-face rock and crowd response elicited the only encore, one song, of the evening …. my kind of music and this 5 piece outfit was my personal pick for the title …. we’ll see how my opinion stands up later!!

Last band of the night was Kelowna based ‘Bend Sinister’. Again this was a solid set and the night show cased just how much talent can be found in this province.
!st Place ($150G’s): We Are The City
2nd Place ($75 G’s): The Left
3rd Place ($50 G’s): Bend Sinister

Congratulations to all the bands who competed and the finalists who went all out last night. A good night was had by all in attendance!
Michelle is a wife to Rob, Mum to a busy 4 1/2 year old daughter. She loves photographing everything from my family to nature. She always have my trusty camera with her. Much to the chagrin of the subject that she wants to photograph. They love to cook new meals as well as bake. She can be found at the following blogs Michelle’s Family Journal or Michelle Kent Photography.
All photos were taken by Michelle and Rob, you can view more in their Flickr sets [1][2].
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I’m always left hoping The Left in this province will win, but they never do.