Vintage Vancouver Photos of Dogs Around Town

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This morning I asked my Twitter followers what today’s “Then and Now” theme should be and I received some great suggestions. One that stuck out (hat tips to Patty Gibson) was a feature about dogs and their owners.

With Vancouver being such a dog-friendly city, complete with doggy day spas, dog bakeries, with a selection of off-leash parks and beaches, I thought it would be a great fit. Mind you, I might not have been able to find direct comparison photos (or appropriate “Now” images) but I thought I would still provide a glimpse into Vancouver’s dog-loving days of the past.

Vintage Vancouver Photos of Dogs Around Town

Not a sight you’re likely to see today. Three small boys who look like they have just returned from a hunting trip with their faithful companion.

Photo credit: Major Matthews Collection, Item # SGN 1734

A man strolls along Granville (near Hastings) with his dog as they approach the original CPR train station.

Photo credit: Major Matthews Collection, Item # Bu P266

I’m not sure if Reuben Hamilton’s dog Cronje was a class pet or just a visitor but he was a welcomed edition to the Charles Dickens school photo nevertheless.

Photo credit: Major Matthews Collection, Item # Sch P68

You wouldn’t believe how many images I have found in the Archives that show bears chained up in yards like dogs, or even playing with dogs. The image below is from Waterloo Street in Kitsilano.

Photographer: James L. Quiney, Item # CVA 7-21

The photograph collection at the Archives has at least a dozen photos of military personnel posing with their dogs. Here is the group from Hastings Park C.S.E.F.

Photographer: Stuart Thomson, Item #CVA 99-704

A view from the ferry terminal in West Vancouver, you can see a pup was there when the two bridge towers of the Lions Gate went up.

Photo credit: David Loughnan, Item # CVA 265-51

Should you have your own suggestions for the “Then and Now” theme, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Check out these photos and more information on the City of Vancouver Archives website, or in person at 1150 Chestnut Street in Kitsilano. Follow my archives series here »

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Keira-AnneThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 1:53pm PST

    Clearly it comes as no surprise to you that this one’s my favourite in your wonderful series 😉

  2. Tyler IngramThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 2:05pm PST

    My grandfather had a bear as a pet when he lived in England. I have the photos of it too! I should look at scanning them in one day.

    Cool photos, like the one of the Lions Gate going up from Dunderave (that is dunderave right?)

  3. TonyMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 10:35am PST

    Great post, I love this stuff. I’ll have to look into what happened with that original CPR Station. They don’t build them like they used to!

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