Just Singin' Round

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For the past 11 years, on the first Tuesday of every month, something really neat has been taking place at the Vancouver Rowing Club in Stanley Park. Just Singin’ Round is a monthly singer/songwriter showcase put on by the Synergy Foundation. They have professionals, amateurs, first-timers, and family bands who call come together and the best part is that each month, a local non-profit is supported.

Yesterday every cause they have supported this year benefited from the fundraising and I was a guest of the Developmental Disabilities Association (who was the cause of choice in June). For just $25 you can come to the Rowing Club, have a nice meal (including salad, dinner, dessert) and be entertained by the showcase.

Performances last night included: Care Smith, Karen Larson, Piper McKinnon, Coco Love Alcorn, Yvonne McSkimming, Mark James Fortin, and Beverley Elliott.

Causes supported during the 2009 season are: NSDRC North Shore Disability Resource Centre, VASS Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports, Developmental Disabilities Association, West Coast Assistance Teams PAWS, Canadian Society for Mucopolysaccharide (MPS), Living Through Loss Counselling Society of BC (LTLC), Acorns 8 Oaks Daycare, Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation, and The Cascadia Society.

You can find information about purchasing tickets or reserving a table for next month’s performance online, and they have been known to sell out very quickly.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. VictorWednesday, September 2nd, 2009 — 11:59am PDT

    it was great having you and laura out at JSR last night! if you’re ever looking to attend again, let me know and i’ll get you a couple tickets!

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