Canon's Nurture Nature Awards

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Canon has announced the Nurture Nature Awards, which is “an environmental program that encourages Canadians to help protect or improve the natural habitat of an endangered or threatened species in their community.”

Photo credit: Tyler Ingram on Flickr

They will be accepting applications online (from now until September 1st) containing your written plan on how to positively impact a threatened habitat in your area. Enter online by submitting a video, outlining your proposed plan along with a short written outline.

Three winners from across the country will be chosen in September and receive $20,000 to see their proposal come to fruition. They’ll also get decked out with a digital SLR from Canon as well as a video camera so they can document their projects.

Now is a great time to think about what you would do for your local ecosystem as we’re in the middle of Canadian Environment Week. This includes tomorrow’s Clean Air Day, the Commuter Challenge, and Friday’s World Environment Day.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. TylerTuesday, June 2nd, 2009 — 10:37am PDT

    I guess this would be best for ecological students to participate in? I don’t think I’ve ever thought about how we could go about to improve the local natural habitat (well in Vancouver). I just go and enjoy what has already been done. I do talk to the volunteers around Lost Lagoon about the Mute Swans. They are trying to save their chicks but find it hard to do with the various predators in the area; raccoons, eagles, herons who snatch the chicks.

    I read somewhere (think it was one of the many signs around the lagoon) that the Mute Swans who live in/at the Lagoon have their wings clipped so they cannot fly away. I need to ask one of the volunteers about that.

    I’ll have to think about ways we can help protect natural habitat in the nearby area. I could always use more camera gear from Canon 😉

    Thanks Rebecca for using a photo of mine!

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