Twitter for Business

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Being a blogger and social media consultant (along with a WordPress coder… but enough about the day job), my talks at speaking engagements usually evolve around blogger outreach, building your brand, and blogger relations however one of my own most powerful tools for not only me but my site, is Twitter.

Back in October of 2008 I wrote a post on my company’s blog that was a general overview of Twitter for Business. Now, months later, after giving a talk at the IABC‘s luncheon speaker series, I have been able to expand on several of those points and also step back to give a basic look at this tool that is far more than the latest buzz word.

A casual overview of my talk, including the slides used. Run time, about 20 minutes

Two of the applications I mentioned during my live presentation that will make your life a whole lot easier:

I have put my slides up on Viddler and I also recorded some audio that you can find over my the sixty4media blog. Today’s event was very encouraging, there were many questions about tools, tips and even things like privacy, so I hope that this can be a conversation starter for business communicators. Should you have any questions, I’ll be answering them via the comments here or on the sixty4media blog.

8 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. VictorMonday, March 16th, 2009 — 5:27pm PDT

    hey rebecca –

    great presentation. i was able to pickup some great ideas and i know the crew that i was with really enjoyed the presentation and was able to get a lot of insight on marketing with social media.


  2. @toniahammerMonday, March 16th, 2009 — 5:34pm PDT

    Great presentation Rebecca! Oh how I love twitter.

  3. Taking Twitter seriously: a primer for business | elbowruminations | Graphic Design Trends, Tips and ReviewsMonday, March 16th, 2009 — 6:29pm PDT

    […] Find out what you don’t know.Twitter’s Getting Started page will help you decipher the meaning behind the initials, symbols and abbreviations littering the landscape of Twitter. If you’ve got time for a quick video, Vancouver’s Miss604 walks you through a thorough tutorial of what you need to know. […]

  4. Kevan GilbertMonday, March 16th, 2009 — 6:30pm PDT

    Purely awesome. I added a shout-out to this video on a post I published last week on Elbowruminations, called Taking Twitter seriously.

  5. AdelaideTuesday, March 17th, 2009 — 8:47am PDT

    I’m still getting used to Twitter. Not there yet. But I understand it more with your help 🙂 great voice presentation and visuals, Rebecca! Really good job!

  6. Vancouver AttractionsWednesday, March 25th, 2009 — 11:01am PDT

    Rebecca thank you so much for this presentation. You presented some really good points.

  7. Enterprising Mom’s Network Conference Slideshow » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittSaturday, June 13th, 2009 — 3:59pm PDT

    […] recently re-vamped my Twitter for Business talk to be a bit more in-depth and to go from the very basics, to cool tips for power users. As […]

  8. Mary AnnThursday, October 15th, 2009 — 12:39am PDT

    Thank you! I am expanding my marketing efforts with social media!

    Mary Ann
    Bizzy Butler Catering, Vancouver, BC

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