Happy 9th Birthday Alexis

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Brand Spanking NewIt was nine years ago today that Alexis was born and I became an auntie for the first time. Over the years I’ve been blessed several times over with the joys of having the most caring and thoughtful niece and nephews anyone could dream of calling their own.

Things have changed a lot in nine years, in both our lives. I remember one of the first times I went to my sister’s house after Lexi was born and it took us about 45 minutes to prepare the stroller and diaper bag… for our trip to the corner store about 200 feet away. Since that time I think I’ve seen my sister get socks, shoes, school bags, and five kids out the door in 35 seconds flat, no lie.

Alexis is such a special girl who can make you laugh and smile while always impressing you with her sense of humour and ability to learn. Before she turned 3 she could tell us all that “Paul Martin in Ottawa” was the Prime Minister of Canada and she spoke two languages before even starting pre-school. I’m constantly amazed at how smart she is, how wicked good she is at skiing, and at how quick her wit is to boot.

One of my faves


She will always and forever have a special place in my heart – she’s a great buddy, a compassionate friend and even prouder older sister for her four brothers.

Big Sister

Happy 8th Birthday Alexis!

Christmas Tree Search at Dogwood Farm

Expressing my appreciation and love for my family is something that will never cease on my site — I am rarely overly personal in my entries however if there’s one thing I can share with the world it’s that my family means everything to me.

niece and auntie

Mount Seymour

Since I know Alexis is able to read my site sometimes I thought I would send out this special greeting just for her (although I know she may be thoroughly embarrassed by some of these photos, which I think are adorable).


It’s the least I can do for the little girl who sent me a care package including a hand-written card for Valentine’s, Easter, and every other holiday when I was living in Boston (all of which I still have). She was also the first person to ever add a Miss604 sticker to their laptop a few years ago — a Barbie laptop, but a laptop at that. She’s such a sweet girl – I wish I could be there for her more often.

my flower girl

Happy Birthday Lexi! And I promise, if I ever get the chance to interview Hannah Montana you’ll be right there with me.

7 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Keira-AnneWednesday, March 25th, 2009 — 8:23am PDT

    Happy 9th Birthday, Alexis! Those photos are entirely precious…

  2. AdelaideWednesday, March 25th, 2009 — 8:35am PDT

    How lucky you are to have such a great niece. And how lucky she is to have an aunt who obviously adores the kaboodles out of her. 🙂

    You know you’ve GOT to get an interview with hannah Montana now!!! 😉

  3. klparrotWednesday, March 25th, 2009 — 9:00am PDT

    Wow, you look so alike in the sixth photo (above the skiing photo). Your hair colours and eye colours are almost perfect matches.

  4. Rob JWednesday, March 25th, 2009 — 9:25am PDT

    Lovely pictures, Rebecca! It’s clear that you’re a dedicated auntie!

    It really shows how quickly children grow up. It’s a cliche that parents blather on about, but it is so important to celebrate every stage in a child’s life. Because, she’ll only be at that stage once.

    Thanks for the post!

  5. HelenThursday, March 26th, 2009 — 2:29am PDT

    Aww, the pictures are beautiful! Lexi is so lucky to have such a loving auntie. It’s true about the eyes, wow- a perfect match:-)

  6. GenniferThursday, March 26th, 2009 — 11:43am PDT

    Happy 9th Birthday Alexis! There is nothing to be embarrassed about with those pictures, everybody here sure seems to love them a lot! And you have the best Auntie in Canada!

  7. RaulThursday, March 26th, 2009 — 7:19pm PDT

    Happy 9th Birthday, Alexis! 🙂

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