Review: Cheeky Umbrellas

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Growing up in the Vancouver area I think everyone becomes a bit of an umbrella connoisseur in their own right. I know that tiny pocket umbrellas are great for those days you’re not sure it will rain since you can just tuck them away in your purse and not have to think about it if the sun shines above. However when they are soaking wet after use, they aren’t so purse-friendly.

I also know that longer push-up umbrellas used to be known for eating little childrens’ fingers with that metal clasp at the top that holds it open. It’s even worse when you’re trying to close one of those suckers — there is a strong pinching hazard. Although in all fairness, these large portable awnings made for the best umbrella forts when I was a wee one.

Over the years of walking to work and transit commuting I’ve come to love the longer style of umbrella with the rounded handle. This allows me to hook it onto my wrist, arm, or bag, leaving hands free for holding the pole on the bus or paying fares.

Cheeky Umbrella

This is where we get to Cheeky Umbrellas. I was contacted weeks ago about trying out their product and doing a review and it wasn’t until yesterday that I actually ventured out for a walk in the rain to test drive my Cheeky umbie.

Features of my “Raining Men” Umbrella that I like:

  • The fun pattern and daisy designs
  • The double-fabric lining (black on the outside and yellow on the inside
  • Lightweight frame that is very durable (I tried bending it with my bare hands, just to check and it didn’t budge)
  • It has fiberglass, wind-resistant ribs
  • Water beads and slides off the “quick-drying pongee fabric”
  • Slip-resistant hook handle that is comfortable to grip
  • Push-button opening, does not auto-close but that’s okay
  • 24″ ribs, diameter is approximately 40″ when open (for that golf-umbrella feeling without the plaid pants)
  • The price-point of $40 is not too shabby, considering the quality of the umbrella. It’s far better than paying $10 every few weeks for a flimsy pocket fold-away that crumbles in the wind.

    Cheeky Umbrella

    Cheeky Umbrellas can be ordered online or found in these fine locations including BC, Alberta and Ontario. They are also on Twitter in case you’d like to follow their updates and they have a “rainy day blog” with a collection of rain-themed posts.

    7 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

    1. KeithTuesday, February 3rd, 2009 — 12:22am PST

      Bigger umbrellas are a hazard on crowded city streets… Not to mention the dangers of getting your face smacked when the tips of everyones’ umbrellas seem to be at eye level… (ugh… Camp QE) Can’t we all just wear jackets with hoods?

    2. RajTuesday, February 3rd, 2009 — 12:35am PST

      My new love is the Umbster as shown HERE.

    3. Miss604Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009 — 7:36am PST

      Normally, I’d totally agree with you – as any good left-coaster is born with skin of Gortex. Walks in the park, strolls to the grocery store, yes — no umbrella is required.

      However, when you own your own business, and leave home to head out to meetings and need to be presentable, a jacket with a hood sometimes won’t leave you looking the most professional if you arrive dripping water all over the client.

    4. MizzJTuesday, February 3rd, 2009 — 3:42pm PST

      Cute umbrella! I too wrote a recent post about umbrellas, check it out here if you have a sec:

    5. Mom604Thursday, February 5th, 2009 — 7:54am PST

      I keep leaving my best umbrellas on the skytrain! I’ve lost three so far 🙁

    6. DanSunday, February 8th, 2009 — 6:14am PST

      Keith, the problem isn’t the umbrellas, it’s that the sidewalks are far too narrow in Vancouver. The sidewalks on Robson especially should be widened by getting rid of the parking.

      Also, jackets with hoods??? They should be banned along with gortex and fleece. Get some fashion sense. You can always spot the North Americans in Europe who are wearing that.

    7. ChelciWednesday, February 11th, 2009 — 11:33am PST

      HEY! I have the same problem with putting a wet umbrella in a purse. i have a solution, mind you its not very fashionable. BUT I always keep a big ziploc freezer bag in my purse and then put the umbrella in it and zip it up til I need it again. 😛 lol but it works!

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