Ocean in Google Earth Features BC Waters

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last week I got the heads up on the addition of downtown Vancouver buildings to Google Earth 3D but now they’ve taken to the water for Ocean in Google Earth.

The feature is included in the newest version of Google Earth. As users zoom in on the ocean they will see a dynamic water surface. By diving beneath they can navigate 3D sea floor terrain including the Mid-Ocean Ridge, the world’s longest underwater mountain range which stretches 50,000 km around the globe. The feature also includes 20 content layers, with information contributed by the world’s leading scientists, researchers, and ocean explorers.

Content gathered and available from BC includes:

  • Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking Project, developing new electronic tagging technology to study the environment and migration of Pacific Salmon
  • Saanich Inlet, a “dead zone” unable to sustain marine life
  • Strathcona Park, one of Canada’s first Marine Protected Areas
  • Fraser River’s high salmon mortality
  • Steller’s sea lion and other endangered or threatened species
  • Jacques Cousteau videos of killer whales near Vancouver Island and octopus and wolf eels off the Queen Charlottes
  • Quadra Island’s dive spot and Kelowna’s surf spot
  • The blog post on the Google LatLong, the Google Earth blog, was written by oceanographer and Explorer in Residence at the National Geographic Society, Sylvia Earle:

    I have been exploring the ocean as a scientist since the 1950s, and have tried every way I know how to explain what I see and convey to others the profound sense of urgency I feel about the changes that are taking place. I have tried with talks, films, interviews, magazine stories, and books to show that the ocean is fundamental to human prosperity, health, security, and the existence of life itself. And I have tried to alert the world to what I have come to understand.

    The ocean is in trouble, and therefore, so are we. Now, with the new version of Google Earth, people can see within a few hours what it has taken me a lifetime to understand.

    Being able to go beyond the shoreline is an incredible feature of Google Earth 5.0, which is now available for free download, and also includes Virtual Time Travel, Touring, Mars 3D, and GPS Tracking.

    2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

    1. Turned Down First Job in Months Because had To Work Sundays.Monday, February 2nd, 2009 — 11:43am PST

      […] Ocean in Google Earth Features BC Waters » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 … […]

    2. Tyler IngramMonday, February 2nd, 2009 — 12:07pm PST

      There are also references to BC’s coastal waters in the DVD set Blue Planet 🙂

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