Welcome to Winter in Iowa

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

When John and I landed in Iowa I was surprised to see less snow on the ground than there was back in Vancouver. I’m so used to telling his relatives that we don’t get much snow back where we’re from in Canada, which usually results in incredulous looks, however this time around things are different. With the Lower Mainland being pelted with yet another layer of white powder, here in Iowa last night we had a mild ice storm.

Vancouver Snow – Photo credit: Keira on Flickr

It looked like it was raining outside, which to me (being a local West Coast gal) means that the snow is going to melt away and the streets will be covered in slush, boy was I wrong though. This certainly is a different climate than on the coast as when it’s -10C and the rain showers down in sheets in Iowa, it forms an instant layer of translucent and dangerously slick ice that coats every surface outdoors.

That's not shiny pavement, it's ice.
After the mild ice storm. That’s not shiny pavement, that’s pure ice.

We just took a walk down to the store and while it’s pretty much perfect road hockey conditions, I almost slipped and fell about 6 times. Coming back in the house I checked the temperature and it is -18C outside (with the wind). Rain in the winter is not to be taken lightly in these parts… and now I know.

6 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. ZandbergSunday, January 4th, 2009 — 3:38pm PST

    So you didn’t bring your skates then? Skating down those sidewalks would be fun!

  2. EagranieSunday, January 4th, 2009 — 9:08pm PST

    My first winter in Ontario, I scoffed at the idea of freezing rain. Then I went outside and promptly landed on my butt. I stopped scoffing. I’ll take endless Vancouver rain any day, so long as I never have to deal with freezing rain again.

  3. GZ ExpatSunday, January 4th, 2009 — 10:09pm PST

    We would get those nasty ice storms in Portland every so often. If the conditions were right (such as what you have experienced), I’d strap on the Bauer’s and head out in the streets with a stick and puck; nothing else like it. Especially funny when drivers struggling to control their vehicle look at me as though I am the crazy one. Hey…I have proper equipment for the weather!

    Just to make you feel better…it’s 23C and sunny here in GZ.

  4. vancouver limousineSunday, January 4th, 2009 — 10:24pm PST

    wow that’s crazy weather conditions. I once was stuck in a similar storm in northern california; killer driving conditions….or even walking.

  5. TawcanSunday, January 4th, 2009 — 10:28pm PST

    You must have brought the snow with you from Vancouver.

    Must be scary to walk or drive on a sheet of pure ice. Should have brought the skates with you!

  6. gusgreeperMonday, January 5th, 2009 — 12:35pm PST

    holy crap that is creeeeepy. i don’t even want to think of all the black ice if that is that visible, holy.

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