Photo credit:
nep on Flickr
As there are only 3 days left to vote for your favourite websites in the region for the Best of 604, here is a quick update on the Awards Reception (RSVP now if you haven’t already).
Voting ends Thursday December 11th at 12:00pm
At the Awards Reception, doors open at 6:00pm and admission is by monetary donation to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society.
Everyone will also get a raffle ticket with their admission donation (of $10, and an additional ticket for each extra $10 increment).
As we are nearing capacity for the venue, please make sure that if you replied on the Facebook event that you book your (free) ticket through the official RSVP site.
I have added a prize page to the website.
The awards presentations will begin at 7:15pm and once our evening is over (at 9:00pm), you are more than welcome to stay and enjoy the regular club night at The Cellar.
As an incentive to show up on time our awesome venue sponsor, The Cellar, will treat all guests to a complimentary drink (you will get a drink ticket if you arrive before 7:00pm).
If you are a prize sponsor who is bringing their prize to the awards reception, please be on time at 6:00pm so we can get things sorted (and so that I can thank you).
Since I may be running around quite a bit that evening (we even have some A/V to setup) I may be looking for a volunteer or two to ‘work the door’ – accepting donations, handing out tickets, checking off the guest list etc. please let me know if you would be available to help out in this way. Thanks Kate, Marina and Rosemary!
Over 4,500 votes have been counted (or at least collected by my polling system) thus far so make sure you cast your ballot for your favourite sites in the region by midday Thursday.
5 Comments — Comments Are Closed
Whoa, that’s a lot of votes!
And no with your harsh “one per IP address” we only got one vote for the whole office! Guess we’ll have to get the China office stuffing the ballot box for us – but i thought i’d ask first if that’s allowed? Or is ballot stuffing just allowed in NHL All-Star voting?
You can vote from home 😉
drats – no goldfarming results fixing! will have to get the vote out the old fashioned way, bribery
It’s the John Chow way!
Great contest, Miss604. You’ve outdone yourself again. The wife and I are looking forward to the 604 Awards event on Thursday. Highlight of the week.