Civic Election Results for Metro Vancouver

Comments 13 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For city-by-city results, please scroll down

Aside from watching the hockey game tonight, I’ll also be keeping an eye on the civic election results for all cities in the Greater Vancouver region. Actually, my focus will be on Vancouver and Surrey as they’re the municipalities to which I am most closely tied (and I voted in Vancouver). My source for information tonight is the CBC online and hopefully after the polls close at 8:00pm I’ll have some good news to report (*cough* go Paul! *cough*)

Update: Gregor Robertson is being called the new mayor of the city of Vancouver [CBC] with 123 of 133 polls reporting. More results can be found on the CivicBC site although it seems to be up and down this evening (probably due to high traffic).

Photo credit: Raul on Flickr (Sept 2008)
Sheila and Me with the (now) new mayor of Vancouver Gregor Robertson

Update: You can follow chatter and results on Twitter – #civicvote2008.

Update: Above is a map of how neighbourhoods in Vancouver voted. Green is for Robertson of Vision Vancouver and red is for Ladner of the NPA.

Update: Dianne Watts has been re-elected as the mayor of Surrey, but our friend Paul just didn’t quite make the cut for City Council and School Trustee [Surrey Results].

Surrey Election Results

Update: News1130 has basic results listed here, click on a city name to see more results:

– Derek Corrigan re-elected Burnaby.
– Dianne Watts re-elected Surrey.
– Lois Jackson mayor Delta.
– Richard Stewart new mayor Coquitlam.
– Pamela Goldsmith-Jones re-elected West Vancouver.

– Greg Moore mayor Port Coquitlam.
– Peter Fassbender re-elected City of Langley.
– Malcolm Brodie re-elected Richmond.
– Wayne Wright re-elected New Westminster.
– Don Mclean mayor – Pitt Meadows.
– Joe Trasolini re-elected Port Moody.

– Ralph Drew mayor Belcarra Village.
– Richard Walton mayor District of North Vancouver.
– Darrell Mussatto mayor City of North Vancouver.
– James Atebe re-elected Mission.
– Ernie Daykin mayor Maple Ridge.
– Rick Green mayor Langley Township.
– George Peary mayor Abbotsford.
– Catherine Ferguson mayor White Rock [PDF]

– Branching outside of the Lower Mainland: New mayors elected in most Northern-BC communities [CBC] & Kelowna mayor has been re-elected [CBC].

civicvote2008 a hot topic on Twitter

Update: #civicvote2008 is now the second most talked about topic on Twitter today. With almost a million people on Twitter, it’s pretty cool to see British Columbians having active discussions about the process online.

13 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Mom504Saturday, November 15th, 2008 — 5:57pm PST

    I actually got out to vote this time. However, I was so concerned about voting for the right number of councilors and school trustees, that I FORGOT to mark my vote for Mayor! I realized it as soon as I left the building. If there’s a tie, we know who to blame! Sorry!

  2. Mom604Saturday, November 15th, 2008 — 5:59pm PST

    No, I haven’t been demoted to 504, I guess I was just a little too flustered to type my name in properly.

  3. 1stringSaturday, November 15th, 2008 — 9:13pm PST

    thanks for the link to the election results, I hate those tiny layouts and multipage buried tabs …

  4. BreeSaturday, November 15th, 2008 — 10:24pm PST

    CBC doesn’t have very good results. You’re better off looking at the site (albeit, it is slow) and on Twitter. For Vancouver, the city’s official site has had the best coverage this election. CBC, CTV, Georgia Straight, Vancouver Sun and Global have had shamefully bad coverage for areas outside Vancouver proper. Of all the sources, Twitter and Shaw’s cable news channel had the most up-to-date information.

    As a hyper-local blog for New Westminster, our focus has of course been on our city. I’m actually rather disappointed to say that we had the first online results for our municipality (taken from Shaw TV’s coverage, validated by later updates from the Royal City Record and eventually the official city website). Voter apathy is a catch-22. The mainstream media doesn’t give it the attention it deserves because they feel the interest is not there. I believe one big reason voters don’t exercise their franchise is because they don’t feel well-enough informed. And thus, the bloggers and Tweeters step in.

  5. JennySaturday, November 15th, 2008 — 10:31pm PST

    Too bad Paul didn’t get in but I hope he keeps up his work and one day he will be elected.

  6. GreggSaturday, November 15th, 2008 — 11:01pm PST

    It seems Abbotsford is not included in the CBC results, they stopped at Langley. I found the Abbotsford results here.

  7. NicoleSaturday, November 15th, 2008 — 11:29pm PST

    Keep trying, Paul!! I hope to see his name on the ballot next year.

  8. Miss604Saturday, November 15th, 2008 — 11:32pm PST

    @ Bree – I tried that site but it appears to be overloaded so I’m looking to other sources.

    @ Jenny – I think the amount of votes he did get speaks volumes – he’s definitely on the right track and the City needs to acknowledge that.

  9. MichaelSunday, November 16th, 2008 — 12:35am PST

    I’m sad Paul didn’t make the cut, I was out at surrey central helping him hand out pamphlets a couple weeks ago.

  10. JamesSunday, November 16th, 2008 — 10:41am PST

    NPA councillor Susan Anton squeaked in for one reason. With a last name starting with an “A” she is first in the list of councillor candidates on the ballot and as such gets a favourable number of easy votes.

    If people really understood what a sycophant she is to the old-boy real estate developers who run UBC Properties Trust they would have tossed her out too.

  11. HezSunday, November 16th, 2008 — 1:30pm PST

    Darn! Why do I never find out the proper Twitter hashtags until it’s too late? I posted tweets under #VancouverElection (not a lot, mind you)… oh well. At least I made it out to vote (with barely half an hour to spare)!

  12. JonathonSunday, November 16th, 2008 — 8:50pm PST

    Interesting note about the BC Twitter traffic. That is very cool.

    As for Robertson’s victory, it appears he’s been given a very hefty mandate for change. I hope he’ll be able to pull off some big changes re: social disorder issues. My take on it is at

  13. Pete QuilyTuesday, November 18th, 2008 — 9:31am PST

    wow, that’s a lot of twitter traffic Rebecca. It’s also interesting what the Gazetter has to say about the map, look at the population density of each color, if you were a political party, which color would you rather be?

    I did a blog post comparing Gregor Robertson vs Peter Ladner in 25 social media and SEO metrics. Here’s some of the Twitter related findings for you and your readers

    Gregor Robertson had 468% more twitter followers and double the number of search results for his name in Twitter as Peter Ladner, but Ladner cranked out 3 times more updates.

    Gregor only responded to another twitter user 3 times, and 2 of them were to his online campaign manager. But Peter Lander not only never responded to anyone, he wasn’t following a single person.

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