Brian Burke Leaving Anaheim Ducks

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Photo Source: The Hockey News

Thanks to my all-knowing husband and his Twitter stream, I discovered a short while ago that Vancouver crowd-favourite ex-Canucks GM, Brian Burke will be leaving the Anaheim Ducks.

There is a press conference today at 12:00/12:30pm Pacific where the Ducks will make the announcement regarding Executive Vice President and General Manager, Brian Burke. [CBC]. There is also much speculation about where he will end up and the rumour mill is looking at Toronto so far.

Brian Burke is also a co-owner of the Chilliwack Bruins, and brought the Stanley Cup to Cottonwood Mall when the Ducks were on top of the NHL. He is also married to Vancouver radio and TV personality, Jennifer Mathers.

It will be interesting to see where he ends up especially since the Canucks take on the Leafs this Saturday at GM Place.

Update: The press conference is live on the Ducks website. Brian Burke was not fired, but he declined the contract that was offered him. “What Brian Burke has done for this franchise is remarkable,” Michael Schulman, CEO. Burke will be staying on as a special consultant while Bob Murray slips into the GM role.

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. JasonWednesday, November 12th, 2008 — 11:55am PST

    TO can suck my… toe!

  2. Brian Burke Leaving Anaheim Ducks: Las Vegas Sports NewsWednesday, November 12th, 2008 — 12:20pm PST

    […] […]

  3. Lefty NoonanWednesday, November 12th, 2008 — 5:08pm PST

    Brian Burke is an honest, say it as it is person with a great, great gift for recognizing talent and general managing any team in the NHL.

    Not enough! The Maple Laff fathers could hire God himself and they still would not win!

  4. Vancovuer LimousineThursday, November 13th, 2008 — 10:50pm PST

    I am a Burkie and think he is a great hockey mind, but I don’t think he was fair to the Ducks here….I think this was planned since last summer or before. I bet he’ll end up in Toronto.

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