Edison & Leo Represent at the TIFF

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My weekly E! article has now been posted and it features Edison & Leo, Canada’s first stop-motion animated film, which was created right here in the Lower Mainland.

It’s a unique film with a darker sense of humour which matches its slick yet grimey steampunk look. There’s a clip available on YouTube but just as a warning, it’s of an adult nature:

Sets were created at St. Mary’s school in Mission, BC which was transformed into the entire studio and the world of George T. Edison and his son, Leo. (Check out Derek’s post about the location, and his behind-the-scenes photos)

“We had to build every single thing at 1/6th scale, it’s a lot of work. Luckily we can find stuff and adapt it, you know, parts and garbage and junk, because we’re not quite something with as big a budget as a big American production, so we’ve had to kind of improvise. For a while it was complicated, but you find your groove and your crew and you rely on people to make smart decisions and stuff happens.” Erik Whittaker – Production Designer

You can read more on my E! post, which also previews this Canadian independent film for the upcoming Toronto International Film Festival.

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