Airtoons, Not Too Old Yet

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

One of the first things I do when I find me seat on an airplane is open up the seat pocket in front of me and check out the the safety cards. Since I’ve flown so much over the last 15 years it’s not so much to brush up on my safety procedures as it is for entertainment value. For example, the back of the card that reads, “this page is intentionally blank”, gives me a little giggle (yes, I am that easily amused) but most of all, it’s the airtoons that are priceless.

I first discovered about ten years ago, it’s a airline safety card cartoon parody site that adds in often-amusing captions. Although some of the captions on the site are just plaid crude, here’s a sampling of a few of my favourites for a little Saturday morning fun.

Safety on an airplane is no laughing matter however, perusing crudely coloured images from the mid 70s with characters in all sorts of positions is far more entertaining on a 2 hour flight than the SkyMall magazine… at least for the first 10 minutes.

7 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Tyler IngramSaturday, August 16th, 2008 — 10:58am PDT

    Looks more like the guy with his arms up is in the puking position! lol

  2. AnnaSaturday, August 16th, 2008 — 12:54pm PDT

    Now I will have those images stuck in my head. I usually hide the safety cards from my kids. Who wants to hear right before take off: mom are we going to use a flotation device this time?

  3. K-loverSaturday, August 16th, 2008 — 1:25pm PDT

    Ha…ha I love the second pic too LOL

  4. » Blog Archive » Volunteer Needed for Bin KeeperSaturday, August 16th, 2008 — 3:24pm PDT

    […] If you are looking for a little fun this Saturday visit miss604 blog and read Airtoons, Not too old yet […]

  5. fotoeinsSunday, August 17th, 2008 — 10:05am PDT

    It’s like Radiohead’s “OK Computer” all over again, inn’it?

  6. Matthew CarriereSunday, August 17th, 2008 — 4:05pm PDT

    These are great! I always pull out the card on the plane and watch the passenger beside me get nervous as if I know something they don’t…

  7. cam c.Monday, August 18th, 2008 — 2:06pm PDT

    Look up the flight safety parody card from the movie “Fight Club” if you haven’t seen it… it’s pure gold along these lines…

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