Dreaming of Blogathon 2008

Comments 16 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last year I participated in Blogathon, which is an organized event for a charity of the author’s choice which involves said blog author to post every 30 minutes for 24 hours.

48 blog posts in 24 hours is quite the feat but with the encouragement of the entire Blogathon community, your readers, friends who bring you coffee, and a husband that wraps a blanket around you while you stare at your MacBook at 2am… it’s not half-bad. I even got some nice press. The big thing is that it’s all for a good cause. You get to put in the effort and produce bucket-loads of content for your readers in hopes they will pledge and donate to keep you going.

– Read my 2007 Blogathon posts
– Raul’s 2007 Blogathon Posts
– Alanah’s 2006 Blogathon Posts
– Barbara’s 2006 Blogathon Posts

Unfortunately while looking up information on Blogathon 2008 I discovered that the official website (and pledge tracking system) will not be in operation this year. I’ve decided to take it upon myself to initiate a Blogathon on my own. I don’t have a fancy site that can track donations with a fun little thermometer but I’m working on setting something up with a local non-profit.

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

With that being said… would anyone be interested in joining me for such an event? Not literally joining me on my couch at 3:00am… and 3:30am.. and 4:00am, but putting in a similar effort on their site. The logistics need to be worked out, pledges need to be tracked, and you will have to blog for 24 hours straight at one point this summer. However, the warm fuzzies will abound and we’ll be able to use our blogging powers for good.

Last year my amazing readers raised over $400 for the Surrey Food Bank. I’m hoping to shatter that record this year… you know once I figure absolutely everything else out.


Update: So I was thinking since it’s just pledges I need to handle, I could create like pledge AT Miss604.com, then once the Blogathon is over I’d follow up with folks and provide the link to the online donation page of the non-profit of my choice. However, I’m not sure how this would work for *everyone* as then we’d all have to manage our pledges this way/create an email account. Hmm…

Update: Some people have picked up the ball and are going ahead with Day of Blogs on what would have been the same day as Blogathon 2008, July 26th.

16 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. RaulTuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 12:22pm PDT

    You know I’ll join you anyways, so…

  2. Duane StoreyTuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 12:31pm PDT

    I’ll probably join! Blog ’til you drop!

  3. Danny DangTuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 1:45pm PDT

    I’m interested! Email me more info when you get the details hammered out.

  4. Barbara DodukTuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 2:31pm PDT

    First, thanks for being the first to Donate (after me but I don’t count) to my SPCA Paws for a Cause Walk that happens in September… it means a lot to me.

    Second, I was disappointed to see the Blogathon was not on this year, as I had to miss last year due to moving. I had so wanted to do it again this year… to continue my theme from 2006 and add another 48 people in 24 hours! (Thanks for the link)

    So keep me posted on your idea.

  5. TaniaTuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 4:42pm PDT

    I think it would be fun to take part in something like that! One question though, would it be possible to pick a charity that extends beyond Vancouver, perhaps nationally? I adore Vancouver – hope to relocate soon – but in the meantime, I think I’d have an easier time collecting donations here in Ottawa if they went towards a charity that could benefit here as well. Thoughts?

    Great idea, btw, to go ahead with your own event!

  6. Miss604Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 4:43pm PDT

    Tania, of course – pick the one of your choice as long as they have an online donation button. I wouldn’t want anyone being responsible for payment information or handling cash etc.

  7. APTuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 4:48pm PDT

    My girlfriend would say me blogging everyday alone is a “blogathon”. 🙂

  8. Tanya (aka NetChick)Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 4:59pm PDT

    I’d be interested…

    Has anyone tried to contact the peeps at the previously-used site? Perhaps they’d lend the technology to us, since they aren’t using it?

    Just a thought.

    There’s also several really cheap suites out there that all the participants could get together to obtain, or get a sponsor to purchase the software for us.

  9. Miss604Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 5:03pm PDT

    @Tanya, Yeah I was looking into a fundraising site like FirstGiving but then all the non-profits would have to sign up and create a profile and the funds would go through there and not the charity itself.

    I think it may be better not to use the Blogathon platform because people weren’t too keen on submitting their email address to a third party like that before. Maybe the email approach for pledges would work but I do really like the idea of setting up a “personal donation” or “personal goals” page for everyone. However you’re right, contacting the existing/past Blogathon organizers would be a great start.

  10. RaulTuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 6:36pm PDT

    Let’s also not forget about what we said (e.g. geeking out collectively at some coffee shop or something)… 🙂

  11. phaedraTuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 9:45pm PDT

    I’m soooo down, and it looks like I’ll my new Macbook sometime next week 🙂

  12. Gary Jones :: BlueFur.comTuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 10:33pm PDT

    Why not just make a new PayPal account and everyone submit to that one account and you donate afterwards?

    I might be interested in doing it.

  13. Miss604Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 — 10:54pm PDT

    @Gary – I think folks like the idea of dealing directly with the non-profit. That way PayPal doesn’t take a cut and they also get their name on the tax receipt.

  14. Duane StoreyWednesday, June 4th, 2008 — 11:46am PDT

    Boom boom, eka lekka lekka boom.

  15. Blogathon Vancouver 2008 » Vancouver Blog Miss 604Wednesday, June 25th, 2008 — 1:27pm PDT

    […] put the call out earlier this month and the response was quite positive so I have setup the wiki and we’re all systems GO for the […]

  16. Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Meet the Participants – Barbara » Vancouver Blog Miss 604Saturday, July 26th, 2008 — 2:00pm PDT

    […] Doduk – Being one of the two blogs I read during Blogathon 2006, I’ve been a fan of Barbara’s site ever since. She’s got her own style, her own […]

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