Landed – The Bollwitts and Ben Folds

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s widely-known that I love my husband, however it’s a lesser-known fact that during a part of our wedding ceremony a song by Ben Folds was played. This is not that song, but it is still one that we both enjoy and sit here lip syncing to while on our laptops – totally geeking out.

It was an official Bollwitt meetup this evening. In this face-paced life filled with day jobs, meetups, conferences, blogging (which is our choice), family time and time for friends, sometimes we need to remember that there’s also an entirely seperate unit known as “John and Rebecca Bollwitt” that needs just as much attention as all of these other elements in our lives.

5 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. RaulWednesday, April 16th, 2008 — 10:09pm PDT

    You and your husband make one of the loveliest, geekiest, sweetest and funniest couples I’ve met in a long, long, long time. And I say this 100% sober, so I’m not Blogging Under the Influence.


  2. fotoeinsThursday, April 17th, 2008 — 10:14am PDT

    @Raul : Is B.U.I. a ticketable offence?

    @Beck & John : you guys are an adorable couple. That’s how it really looks from the other side of the table.

  3. KeithFriday, April 18th, 2008 — 12:24am PDT

    Aww… too bad I didn’t make it here in time to see the now-edited-out Flickr video. 😉

    OMG. A Monkey! sweet!

  4. Duane StoreyFriday, April 18th, 2008 — 10:24am PDT

    I remember a few years ago I did this exercise to figure out how to make changes in my life. It involved writing a list of everything in my life that took up time, then rating each one on how important it was. The final step was to put a time allocation to it showing just how much time I spent on each unit each week.

    Obviously the point of this exercise is to point out that things like your job, which generally rank lower than “family”, “friends” in terms of personal importance, etc, generally took up the most time, and the most important things in your life generally get the left over pieces at the bottom. It was a big eye opener for me.

  5. RaulSunday, April 20th, 2008 — 11:22pm PDT

    @fotoeins – No, I don’t think so. In the past couple of weeks, I’ve B.U.I. about three times and T.U.I. twice (Twittering Under the Influence)!

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