Things I Love: This City

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Leading up to that special day that Hallmark created for us this Thursday, I want to feature things that I love, or maybe even just like-like a lot. Sure, my husband, family and friends are a given but these are some of the intangibles, some things that honestly, I wouldn’t be able to be without every day.Part Three: Simply, this City.

Photo Credit: jmv on Flickr – Thanks to Phillip for the heads up

Things I love about my city. It ain’t perfect but dang it, it’s home.

  • I can have chorizo, egg and tortillas for breakfast, Thai for lunch, and Greek for dinner.
  • I can walk anywhere downtown pretty much within 45 minutes.
  • Hockey. This hockey and that hockey.
  • Stanley Park, in all its mystery.
  • There’s always a balance: See “10 Things I Hate About Vancouver“.
  • Nanaimo bars.
  • The suburbs.
  • “I began to realize that Staten Island was like a quaint European country, the music was twenty years behind and you could smoke anywhere you wanted.” [SATC] – I kid 🙂

    nerdy tshirt 1

  • The nerds.
  • 45-60 minutes away from camping at any given point.
  • A clear day when you can practically spot every single evergreen on each of the North Shore mountains.
  • The Bay downtown. You can shop, eat, get a haircut, why leave?
  • Bus drivers that are helpful and courteous that make you want to shout out a little “Thanks!” when you reach your stop.
  • I can write about its history.
  • The Vancouver Canadians baseball club, cause they’re super cute and nice.
  • Cherry blossoms.
  • Monkey-puzzle trees.
  • I’m going to meet my mother for breakfast, but I’ll be adding to this list throughout the day. That is unless I get cut off in a crosswalk by a car that fails to stop at the stop sign, or someone pokes me in an eye while carrying their umbrella under an awning. Watch for a more sappy, tear-jerky post on February 25th, when it will be our 2nd wedding anniversary.

    9 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

    1. Keira-AnneThursday, February 14th, 2008 — 7:28am PST

      “Bus drivers that are helpful and courteous that make you want to shout out a little ‘Thanks!’ when you reach your stop.”

      Where do you take the bus? I thought this post was about Vancouver…

    2. Tyler IngramThursday, February 14th, 2008 — 7:44am PST

      Hey what about us geeks? lol I’m not a nerd.

      I like Vancouver, in fact I am looking for work in the downtown core I like it so much! I do spent a lot of time there now since the GF lives just off of Denman.

      I do agree with Micheal Kwan’s issues about hour highway system though. I’ve spend a good deal in California in the past few weeks and I LOVE their highway system. Not only that, I can actually see where the lanes in the road go when its dark or dark and raining!!

    3. RaulThursday, February 14th, 2008 — 8:13am PST

      And amongst the things that WE love, is the fact that YOU live in this city and that YOU blog about this city. You’ve become an icon of the Vancouver blogosphere. Happy Valentine’s !

    4. Miss604Thursday, February 14th, 2008 — 8:28am PST

      @Keira – yeah I forgot to note that only happens once every 6 months 😛

    5. DaveOThursday, February 14th, 2008 — 8:40am PST

      I love the lousy highways and the transit (despite it’s shortcomings)- especialy the Seabus and the drivers are nice about 1/3-1/2 of the time.

      And don’t tell anyone but i’ve become a total Bay shopper – it’s my emergency escape plan for anything i seek from Korean pearl inlaid jewelry box to Sennheiser headphones to my sweeet new vintage Canucks sweater. I even have a rewards cards AND a HBC credit card.

    6. Duane StoreyThursday, February 14th, 2008 — 10:53am PST

      I shop at the Bay too, usually for jeans. They have a pretty varied selection, and usually something is on sale.

    7. mom604Thursday, February 14th, 2008 — 12:59pm PST

      Thanks for meeting me for breakfast. I hope you are feeling better.

    8. JackieThursday, February 14th, 2008 — 3:27pm PST

      Have to say, I love some of my bus drivers too! Especially on the Community Shuttles. I even know them by name, and heard all about their wives and kids. 🙂

    9. In The Sphere: A Personalized Bobblehead | BlueFur.comFriday, February 15th, 2008 — 11:59am PST

      […] is one of Vancouver’s most famous bloggers, so it only makes sense that she loves this city. It’s easy to point out the variety of cuisine and our obsession with hockey, but she also […]

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