Surrey's Winterfest Wrap-Up

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

To say our Saturday was Surrey-licious would be an understatement. John and I took the train out to Central City in the early afternoon to meet up with our good friend (and honorary sister) and my niece for Winterfest. We got some thundersticks, ice skated on plastic, were hassled by mascots and listened to some really loud music on a big live stage. Children were running amok everywhere, it was slightly soggy out but all in all, it was a pretty great day even if my niece didn’t want to make a “magic wand” or get her face painted (in all honesty, neither did I, so it was cool).

John was able to take some good shots despite the grey weather and low-light, the following are from his Flickr set.

The Rec Centre parking lot, 102nd Ave, and the Central City Plaza were all reserved for Winterfest.

Olympic mascot “Quatchi” with Surrey mayor, Diane Watts.

Shane Philip with the didjeridu on stage.

Kids craft fair and story-telling inside the mall. Smell the commerce – mixed with Elmer’s glue.

More activities for kids. This tent was giving away saplings. My niece had no use for such a thing although she did enjoy this animal tracks quiz.

We skated on a synthetic polymer “ice rink”. It was… interesting.

He is the “Ice Prince”. He wanted to tell you that a lot, which my niece did not appreciate.

View the rest of the photos from Winterfest in John’s Flickr set.

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5 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Paul HillsdonSunday, February 10th, 2008 — 10:59pm PST

    Thanks Rebecca for the summary! I had somewhat wanted to check it out, but I was doing my bday celebration on Saturday… Sounds like it was a mixed reception to Winterfest..?

  2. Miss604Sunday, February 10th, 2008 — 11:59pm PST

    It was pretty fun, the skating on plastic was just weird – but still cool 🙂

  3. Vancouver realtorMonday, February 11th, 2008 — 7:59am PST

    Hi Rebecca! This is a great blog doing good name to Vancouver. You have got very exact information about events in this city. I try to promote this city little bit as well. I love it for many reasons but the most important one is Vancouver music. Then I would mention the architecture, location and nature too.

  4. JennyMonday, February 11th, 2008 — 12:17pm PST

    Looks like a fun day. Thanks for taking her. I wonder what that fake ice does to your blades?

  5. Miss604Monday, February 11th, 2008 — 12:27pm PST

    It was moreso the asphalt that was uncovered once you stepped off the rink that would have cause damage to skate blades 😛 John spotted a couple kids scraping their skates back and forth on it while their hockey Dads would glance over and freak out.

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