Geek Girl TShirts Where Are You?

Comments 15 by Rebecca Bollwitt

A while back Duane and I were on iChat talking about how it was almost lunch time. We exchanged some html talk like *hunger* me */hunger* (replacing * with the brackets of course) and it soon evolved into some php code that I simply can’t share because it may further screw up the format of this blog post. Needless to say, it was really fun… and uber nerdy.

I was browsing around this evening on the lookout for some new nerd-friendly t-shirts after being inspired by this shirt last week and a conversation Meg had on Twitter this morning. Unfortunately all I found was a serious lack of geeky t-shirts for women.

I’m not talking about the pink (and don’t get my wrong, I like pink) and sparkley “Geek Girl” shirts. I don’t want a shirt that states the obvious, I want something that would instantly display my geek-cred not one of those “*tits* */tits*” tops. (again, replacing * with the brackets)

Shirts like “I (heart) my Geek” are also cute, but I don’t want something that says I’m with a geek. ThinkGeek almost had me with “#!/usr/bin/girl“, “#include love.h” or with their babydoll version of “There’s no place like” until they threw on the ruby slippers.

This isn’t about feeling the need to validate my geekdom with a message t-shirt, it’s just that you know, I happen to own a few select message tees. They’re fun to have in the closet to bust out every now and then.

I think I can almost dig this little number from Cafepress, “Roses are #FF0000“, and upon flipping through the pages there are a few more gems like: “Turn me On“, with a cute little Mac power button, “Mac Chick Pro“, and okay I even got a chuckle out of “There’s Nothing Funny About Tubgirl“. I also like the pinup concept, but not sure I like this design in particular.

From Jinx I found the following that were pretty decent: “I’m only here because my server is down“, and “Arrogant Linux Elitist“.

I also giggled quite often looking at Syswear, however it was more of a sympathetic giggle followed by a groan: “That’s funny, it worked on my machine“, and “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature“.

But seriously, where else can I find some fun geek shirts, made for women, that are not gamer talk, contain no references to MySpace but just plain old… geeky?

15 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. KarenThursday, February 28th, 2008 — 1:26am PST

    Threadless occasionally prints geeky shirts. Some of my past favourites include the following…

    They’re all sold out right now but they may be reprinted at some point.

    And for the TV-watching geek, Television Without Pity has a BSG-themed shirt right now:

  2. Tyler IngramThursday, February 28th, 2008 — 6:30am PST

    That was evil to mention tubgirl 🙁

    lol I need some more geeky t-shirts. The only one I have now is my Firefox t-shirt. I keep meaning to goto and get the SQL one that says:
    SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0
    0 Results Returned

    Reminds me when I was at SugarCON one of the Keynotes talked about a cool t-shirt website where people submit their own designs and they sell it for you. I’ll have to see if I can find the URL for it.

  3. Sara @ YellowIbisThursday, February 28th, 2008 — 9:05am PST

    Yeah… the traditional ‘geek’ shirt market is still heavily centered around men. We cater to science geeks more than tech/computer geeks, but we do carry everything in women’s sizes.

  4. RaulThursday, February 28th, 2008 — 9:11am PST

    This is a really funny post 🙂

    When I went to Victoria in November I found a few geeky t-shirts at a store I think it was on Johnson Street, about two blocks away from the bridge (going towards Douglas Street)… very cute designs.

    I need a geeky t-shirt. Right now all I have is my self-centric “It’s all about me” and my “Smarter than your average blog” swag. But you look so much prettier in that one than I do 🙂

  5. Keira-AnneThursday, February 28th, 2008 — 10:03am PST

    Mayyyyyybe we should be really craft and witty and have some geek girl shirts made. Or, you know, we could always buy puff paint and make them ourselves. (I wonder if we could still get puff paint).

  6. Miss604Thursday, February 28th, 2008 — 10:32am PST

    We could totally bedazzle something up I’m sure.

  7. JenniferThursday, February 28th, 2008 — 12:45pm PST

    Making shirts is the way to go!
    P.S. You can TOTALLY still get puff paint- some friends and I made shirts with fun messages on them just a few weeks ago! hehe

  8. JackieThursday, February 28th, 2008 — 1:14pm PST

    My favourite is the one that says, “There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don’t.” hehehe

  9. KennyThursday, February 28th, 2008 — 1:34pm PST

    This is a bit of a plug there might be some stuff here:

    The site is sort of gaming oriented but there are some generic shirts here, and we try to add stuff all the time.

  10. ArianeThursday, February 28th, 2008 — 8:12pm PST

    umm…i think they made this one especially for you 😉

    ps. i totally want in on the geek girl t-shirt making party

  11. LucFriday, February 29th, 2008 — 12:17am PST

    A geeky girl may take example from Googirl, Marissa Mayer.
    Now, is your pet an Aibo?

  12. CharmaineSunday, March 2nd, 2008 — 11:04pm PST but it’s already been said.


  13. Twitter Tees and Geeky Clothing » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittTuesday, May 19th, 2009 — 9:57am PDT

    […] a year ago I wrote about t-shirts designed with the geek girl in mind and I’ve always been a fan of techno-savvy tops (although in an early post from 2005 I did […]

  14. VancityAllieWednesday, September 2nd, 2009 — 2:36pm PDT

    HAHA! Aww I love this post! Thanks for pointing me to it 😀

  15. Olene FassioSunday, May 23rd, 2010 — 8:05am PDT

    LAW 4: Golf balls never bounce off of trees back into play. If one does, the tree is breaking a law of the universe and should be cut down.

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