The Things That Matter

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve been so busy recently that I haven’t had time to cover everything I’ve wanted to on the blog. I also haven’t had a lot of time to just chill out with John or my family even though they’re the most important things in the world to me.


After waiting almost two years, John‘s immigration came through last spring and he’s been working at his first big full time/salaried job in a business that he loves (and sometimes loves to hate). He just had his 3 month anniversary with this new big fancy company and I think it’s such a great milestone and I’m pretty proud of him… and thankful that he has all these great connections now that allow me to watch hockey games and meet Shorty n’ Tommy.

My sister is expecting her fourth child in a few weeks. She’s a dedicated working mother who is lucky enough to have a man at her side that thinks she’s just as amazing and beautiful as she deserves to be told every day (and I think he probably does tell her that everyday). Her children are so smart, articulate, and prefer books to video games any day of the week. I can’t wait to be an auntie again however my niece is pretty miffed she’s going to have yet another brother.

And finally, because I’ve been meaning to post about it and just haven’t yet, my good friend Keira has been planning and plotting an Island getaway for us over the last few months. With careful thought and consideration (and lots of promises of snuggles from her puppy) she’s put this entire thing together and I simply can’t wait to visit her hometown and carve up her most favouretest mountain EVER.

Photo credit: Keira-Anne on Flickr

As a side note, I’m going to be bringing my mobile recording gear on the ferry so we’re going to try and make a podcast of sorts. She’s put the call out on her blog and I’ll do the same here, just a request for topics, questions (for Keira or me), or anything you’d like us two gals to discuss on our ferry ride aside from the fries and gravy.

Although my Canadian Blog Awards nominated content is mostly raving about how much I love this city, afternoon walks in the park or local history, family and friends are what truly keep my going… and I’m pretty glad they put up with me and all this “blogging” stuff.

In case you missed that plug, today is the last day to vote in the Canadian Blog Awards. I’m the only BC blogger up for “Best Local Blog” so if you feel I’m worthy, click through and cast your vote.

5 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Shane BirleyWednesday, January 30th, 2008 — 11:55am PST

    You have my vote!

  2. RaulWednesday, January 30th, 2008 — 1:56pm PST

    Hmmm… suggestions for a podcast? How about the (dismal and appalling) state of affairs for singletons like me — the dating scene in Vancouver is awful 🙁

    Oh and by the way, I posted a little teaser of what my guest post on Mount Pleasant is going to look like 🙂

  3. Miss604Wednesday, January 30th, 2008 — 2:08pm PST

    I totally read about that this morning Raul – can’t wait!

  4. RaulWednesday, January 30th, 2008 — 8:12pm PST


    I am liveblogging the Vancouver Bloggers Meetup, in case you want to check it out 🙂

  5. fotoeinsWednesday, January 30th, 2008 — 9:35pm PST

    Whatever it is you do, both of you keep me connected to the city of my birth.

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