Happy in Vancouver
byYesterday was deemed the most depressing day of the year. If your winter SAD has kicked in or your holiday bills are catching up to you, that classification might be justified. But here in Vancouver RIGHT NOW, the sun is shining, yes, there’s SUNSHINE.
I propose, just for a day, just while there’s no cloud cover overhead, that there be no complaining about umbrella etiquette, ICBC rates going up in the Valley, school closures in Surrey, or the aging eye-sore that is BC Place.
Let’s just all gaze over at the gorgeous North Shore mountains, or peer across the ocean toward Vancouver Island, or you know, vote for our favourite local blog (whose only competition is “local” blogs in Ontario). But I digress…

Sure, we could be turning a museum into a fitness club, but I want to focus on some fluffy, positive material here.
Open forum: What makes you HAPPY about living in Metro Vancouver?
No mention of the word “Sam”, “2010” or “Translink” (let’s keep it clean here folks) and no mention that when I missed the Skate for a Cure, that John got to meet Trevor Linden instead of me. It could just be one word, like “gelato” or many, like “snow day next week!”.
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Eating nachos with all of you fine people.
In Vancouver. With beer.
I don’t think we’ve had nachos since… your house, Duane… or Smiley’s – I can’t even remember!
K, I’ll toss one in here:
The new voice of the trolley buses downtown that announces stops. But it’s not like the Skytrain lady’s voice, it’s computer-generated so the syllables are off. It amuses me to no end “com. ox. stre” it never finishes the word “street” either. Good times!
The weather has been absolutely fabulous the last few days. My friends and I went up to Seymour last night for some snowshoe actions. After an easy 30 mins walk we were greeted by an amazing view of the city.
The ocean… right over there.
Well, there are a few things that make me happy to live in Vancouver right now, but two that are just fabulous:
* The scenery. This city has some amazing views (I had noticed John’s beautiful photographs on his blog yesterday).
* Being able to be fully me. Vancouver is one of the most multicultural and open cities that I’ve ever lived in, and in this city, I am who I am without having to hide anything.
Walking on the seawall (I know, it’s cliche, but as a former Prairie girl, I love the ocean! Other things I love: Cherry Trees in the Spring. Flowers all year long. Cooking with exotic things you can get in our multicultural stores.
My favourite thing about living in Vancouver is Miss604 livin’ in my ‘hood. Okay, but I also really like Marble Slab on Denman.
Two things come to mind:
* It’s a lot warmer on a cold day here, than it is in some other North American cities. (-10 in Chicago, -11 in Calgary, -15 in Winnipeg, -21 in Yellowknife)
* Being able to walk to a dozen different and totally diverse lunch places from our downtown office.
* It’s not Toronto. 😛
OK, so that’s three. 😉
Being able to play some pick up soccer in he middle of January is pretty nice.
Also, for some reason, just the fact that I can see Lonsdale Quay from our class makes me happy.
TNT in Chinatown just before Chinese New Year! Great decorations and congee with egg and pork for $1.50. Can’t beat it.
I must of brought the rain with me to San Diego. Oh well its hot and sunny right now.
I like the water, sunshine and the many things you can do in Vancouver.
Being able to bike to work all year round, the Car Co-op, and the alpine forecast for this weekend is calling for snow in the mountains – and of course the fact that it only really snows in the mountains.
I don’t live in Vancouver anymore, but I wish I did. I live on the other side of the world now but have been reading this blog for a year or so. It is by far the most relevant source of information on what is happening in Vancouver, in my eyes.
The nachos in Vancouver are the best.
My wife and I went out for nachos today (sadly not in Vancouver) and talked about how much better they would be if we were in Vancouver (at Malones in Kits).
We love everything about Vancouver and will be returning ASAP. In the meantime, please keep blogging Rebecca!
the picture you used in your blog – says it all. enough said.
Since I’ve only been here a year, I still can’t get over the mountains and ocean being RIGHT in front of me. What’s not to love about that really.
1) I can walk out my front door and be on the mountain in 15 minutes.
2) The ocean, ahh.
3) It doesn’t take much twisting to get any of the cool people I have met here to get out and do/try something fun. Everyone’s always up for something.
The view from our front window in Burnaby on a snowy sunny winter day.
Okay–but Thursday was a really good day for me!
My ++ for the day: The people. I am having such a lovefest for everyone right now, it’s kinda to the point of silliness!
I’d say the Canucks, the weather (hey at least we are not snowed in for half the year) and the natural beauty