Something to be Thankful For

Comments 4 by Jennifer Miles

The latest craze in new mommyhood is not a trendy Italian stroller or the hottest infant-sized outfit, in fact it really has nothing to do with the baby at all. It’s something called a ‘Push Present‘. When I first caught wind of this fad it was on some American morning TV show while I was dressing for work, refereeing an argument, packing backpacks for school and ensuring everyone was wearing ‘weather appropriate clothing’, so I didn’t’ give it much thought at the time. The next day while in the car I heard Buzz on Crave discussing it with a female co-host I started to think more carefully about what this actually meant.

Photo credit: Derek Miller on Flickr

For those who don’t know what a ‘Push Present’ is (men may want to pay careful attention if their s.o. is expecting) it’s a carefully thought out marketing ploy to make people believe that if you give birth someone (your man) should buy you something sparkly, like a diamond necklace or gold bracelet or anything to show off to your girlfriends really. Essentially, it is a gift for having pushed out a baby. Now, considering that I am about to do this for my fourth time since 2000 I would think I am somewhat of an expert on the subject. Also keeping in mind that fact that the combined weight of my first 3 children was a whopping 31 pounds 7 ounces and that they were all born the ‘traditional’ way I have quite the opinion on birthin’ babies.

I am not opposed to gifts in anyway, I love giving them and appreciate it greatly when I receive them. What I am opposed to is this corporate guilt placed on individuals to spend exorbitant amounts of cash for baubles and trinkets because social pressure now leads you to believe that if you love your woman this is what you will do.

Photo credit: horizontal.integration on Flickr

Of course men should show their love towards their wives or girlfriends but I personally find that diamonds and such are the least romantic way to do it. It’s so cliche and it’s almost like cheating because it takes no effort to walk into a store, pull out your credit card and have some pushy sales person tell you what your woman will love to have.

The main problem I have with this whole concept however is the idea that women need some kind of reward for having given birth. Oh, I know as well as anyone else what it takes to have a baby, don’t let anyone ever tell you it is easy because it’s not. But what about the fact that you have in your possession the most precious little being in the world? The gift you have been waiting and longing for for 9 long months? Not to sound too cheesy, but is there any greater gift? I honestly hope this is a passing faze because really, the only thing any women needs to show off to her girlfriends after having a baby is… you guessed it, the baby itself. And men, if you feel the need to buy something to show your appreciation for your partner’s hard work, flowers or a well deserved massage or pedicure are the way to go in my opinion. But really, waking up in the night to change diapers and playing with the baby while mom takes a long bath are much more valued.

Contributed by Jenny (Sis604)

Waihe'e Ridge Trail MauiA guest post by

Guest contributor Jennifer Miles is a mother who loves being active with her family of seven. From camping, baseball, swimming, and day trips, she's a power-mom with a passion for BC living.

family, guest post, sis604
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4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. bzThursday, December 27th, 2007 — 6:52pm PST

    While my Jen and I may call it a “push present”, really it signifies something much more important – the day she became a mother.

    I didnt shower her with diamonds and jewels. I gave her a simple silver chain with a scripted Z for Zacharie – nice, simple and meaningful.

    The Today show story revolved around rich NY princesses getting their “just rewards”, something these divas are accustomed to on a daily basis, no doubt.

  2. JFriday, December 28th, 2007 — 1:25am PST

    I think the whole idea is to get something to make you feel sexy and pretty and glamorous again, which makes sense to me even though I’ve never had a baby. But I do agree, diamonds and such can be overrated. I like pretty gifts, but only if they really reflect my personality and clearly required some thought.

  3. Miss604Friday, December 28th, 2007 — 10:24am PST

    To me it seems a little… old school… old world… I dunno. Like your woman pops out offspring so you reward her with jewels. More offspring equals more jewels *grunt grunt* 😛

  4. JennyFriday, December 28th, 2007 — 12:06pm PST

    I think there is a difference between a sentimental token(like what Buzz described) and expecting some kind of bling as a reward.

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