Best of 604: Local Website Edition
by This autumn I introduced the Best of 604, in response to a local newspaper’s Best of Vancouver. Sure, my categories weren’t as diverse but I’m pretty free to build upon the Best of 604 at any time, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
Reading Morning Brew this morning, I saw a link to the 24 Hours’ “24 ways to avoid your family“, which ended up being a list of “Vancouver’s best time-wasting web sites”.
They included the Katkam, which is a given, Urban Vancouver – a really great compilation on which anyone can write and Translink’s (that if you Google, my site comes up second, with Darren’s first).
A couple of the suggested reads made me chuckle to myself so I figured the best thing for me to do would be to make my own list.
Best of 604: Local Website Edition
Best Webcam that isn’t the Katkam: Numinous
Best Traffic Webcams and route info: GVRD directory
Best Site to get Surrey News: Surrey Leader
Best Site to get Burnaby News: A Burnaby blogger needs to Contact me.
Best Site to get New Westminster News: Royal City Record
Best Independent Daily News Source: The Tyee
Best. Lists. Ever.: Meg Fowler
Best Mommy blogger: Duck Cake
Best Marketing Blogger (that gives us free things): Darren Barefoot
Best Site for iPhone Users in Vancouver: John Biehler
Best Gadget Review site: Roland Tanglao
Local Radio Station That “Gets” It: 95 Crave, from their Drupal website, on-air personality blogs, to Ustream broadcasts.
Best Socialization and Silliness posts: Net Chick
Best Local Facebook Guru: Phillip Jeffrey
Best Concert Posters: ChalkedUp
Best HDR Photography: Coriolistic Anachronisms and Duane Storey
Hardest Working Podcaster: Dave Olson (upwards of six different podcasts for your listening pleasure)
Best Coffee Resource: Vancouver Coffee
Best City Development Resource: Pacific Metropolis
Best New Tech Blog: Techvibes
Best New Eco-Friendly Directory: happyfrog
Best New Restaurant Directory: Urbanspoon
Best New Blog (to me, in 2007) – Commuting: Paul Hillsdon
Best New Blog (to me, in 2007) – Shopping: The Style Spy
Best New Blog (to me, in 2007) – Restaurant Reviews: Raul’s “Dining out”
Most inspirational: Derek Miller and his wife Airdrie. Derek’s living with stage 4 metastatic cancer and blogging every step of the way.
If you are looking for anything else in Vancouver, try my categories “cheap things to do“, “stanley park“, “food“, “shopping“, “conference” and even “what the surrey“.
If you disagree with any of my choices, please make your own list (pass it on!), leave a comment below, or send links my way either on my contact form or via (tag your link as “for:miss604”).
14 Comments — Comments Are Closed
thanks Rebecca! Happy iPhone New Year 🙂 !
that is one dead sexy shirt hahaha
I’d add Poppytalk for best crafts, Aesthetic Poetic for best art blog, Only for best attitude, Public Eye for best scoops, and the Livable blog for best environmental. Also Miss 604 + Morning Brew!!!!!
Yay! Thanks Rebecca for finding some kind of category my blog can slot into!
Big ups to your blog too Miss604 – truly a everyday read for anyone wanting to know whassup in Vangroovy. Indeed, twas a treat sharing microphones, laughs and misadventures with you and Mr. 604(ish ;-0) this year – here’s to more of it in 2008! And yes, i’ll keep on trying to spark up lots of podcasts for the people!
You know you’ve made it big when Rebecca (aka Miss604) has added you as Best New Blog in 2007 (Restaurant Reviews). Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I’ll have to second many of your choices, Paul Hillsdon, Morning Brew, Darren Barefoot, Meg Fowler, Tanya AKA NetChick, all great choices. I personally love your blog, and while I’ve been away in Mexico, I’ve been following what’s going in your world via your blog.
Look forward to a great 2008. I would love to organize a margarita party with fellow bloggers! Let’s all “Blog Under the Influence”!
Thanks again Rebecca 😀
Thanks for the props. With luck I’ll need to be much less inspiring next year.
Thanks for naming me Best Local Facebook Guru. This is better than the Straight!! Have an awesome New Year.
Hey Rebecca! Thanks for naming my blog the best for “Socialization and Silliness posts” — LOL! 2008 is going to be even better!!
ps: you’ve inspired me to do my own best-of list for New Years Day! Thanks!! 🙂
Top Ten Good Things About Reading Rebecca’s Blog:
1. You will always know stuff before everyone else.
2. You feel like a good Vancouverite.
3. You can try and learn how to be photogenic. It may not work, but you can try.
4. All the hockey makes me feel at home.
5. Solid analysis and opinions without arrogance.
6. She gives props and supports other bloggers around her.
7. The pictures of ANYTHING are always perfectly chosen.
8. She updates often, and with substance.
9. The comments are also thoughtful!
10. Hair envy.
Awww, thanks for the heads-up on mine too 🙂
And like all the others said, you are definately on the Top of everyone else’s.
You mean I don’t get props for “best Vancouver-based sort-of conservative but-not-really, sometimes green, always anti-fascist, informative but occasional annoying, true north current affairs blog”?
Ah, well. Maybe next year. Perhaps it’s time for yet another relaunch…
Happy holidays, from one Vancouver blogger to another! Perhaps I’ll even see you and John at a meetup one of these days.
[…] was a common sight at local tech events, and set a high bar for live-blog coverage. Amongst, her Best of 604: Local Websites, Techvibes was named “Best New Tech Blog”. We thank Miss604 for the recognition amongst […]
[…] not ones to toot their own horn, though they should, Vancouver’s own Miss 604 named TechVibes the best new tech blog. Hmm, maybe we need to do a Vancouver Island […]