TCC – The Crazy Canucks Episode #50

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Yes, we’re still awake. Yes, we did a podcast tonight. In all honesty, it’s one of my favourites to date – despite the fact that we were totally missing DaveO.

a girl and a microphone Good day, and welcome to episode fifty. This is a long overdue one, and there were some technical difficulties that occurred before this episode saw the light of day. Regardless, we push forward, sadly without our good pal Dave, but he shall return. Alanah actually joins us about twenty minutes in, and hilarity ensues.

Record as of this episode: 5-8-0
Northwest Division: 4th
Western Conference: 14th

The basic lowdown to this recording is that we are just as baffled as you are about our beloved team. There is no easy answers other than trying to pick ourselves up and work hard at being a better team on the ice. The recent 3-0 loss to Nashville is fresh on our mind, and it hasn’t been that much better before that. [TheCrazyCanucks]

Visit the site for show notes, links, or to download and listen. Hopefully things can only get better from here, eh!?

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. fotoeinsSunday, November 4th, 2007 — 9:59am PST

    +2 points at Colorado for the Nuckleheads!

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