Pepper Spray

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This is it – one more to go after this! Just reading the “morning” news headlines and since I pretty much covered the fireworks and some of the post-firework hoopla in the podcast, here’s the ‘official’ word.

It was also another busy night for Vancouver Police. Constable Howard Chow says there were over 430 liquor incidents compared to 260 on Wednesday.

He adds there were six fight calls, seven weapons offences, everything from pepper spray to knives, 19 arrests and someone firing off some pepper spray. [News 1130]

And some people were getting a little crafty…

Constable Howard Chow says one man sprayed pepper spray into the air as peple were leaving through the west end. One group of people decided to try and out-smart police by hiding their booze in the waters of English Bay, but police spotted them and confiscated their liquor. [CKNW]

When we were walking back the other night someone tossed something onto the street from a balcony, it crashed into the middle of the road and although I never saw what it was, I’m glad no one was hurt. I like the fireworks, they are a part of summer, but there’s always ‘one of those people’ in the crowd that ruins it for a lot of people and heaven forbid, endangers others as well.

Blogathon: Post #48

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3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Hummingbird604Sunday, July 29th, 2007 — 5:51am PDT

    Just wanted to say that I am very grateful to have shared this experience with you, thanks for the promotion on MetBlogs and here on your website, and for dropping by and commenting on my blog. I’ll make sure to keep checking your blog and maybe we’ll meet sometime in real life (like, Blogstock or something like that).

    All the best!

  2. macheadSunday, July 29th, 2007 — 12:03pm PDT

    Crazy incident on Robson last night at 2am, missed the beginning of it but it ended up with one guy on top of another in the middle of the street yelling his lungs out at the guy “not to move”. Cops came and arrested the guy on the ground?! I think it was over a girl. Very loud night on Robson…

  3. DaveOMonday, July 30th, 2007 — 7:22am PDT

    Last Wednesday downtown, I noticed some pretty heavy handed police tactics (and marginally legally searches as well) – handcuffs and paddy wagons for kids with beers seems a bit extreme but i suppose they are trying to prevent more miscreants from causing a ruckus later.

    Watching from English Bay is great but the trip back to North Van is mental. Viewing Saturday night’s show from Dundarave, the only disturbance was those West Vancouver folks rattling their jewelry instead of clapping.

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