I'm So Over Hotmail

Comments 13 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I never log into my hotmail account anymore, not even through MSN messenger (after getting gmail 3 years ago, really). Since getting a Mac I just use Adium as my chat client at home and at work I log in through web-based Meebo. Apparently it’s been a while since I actually checked my hotmail email because I went to do so today and my account was shut down.

Photo credit: Keira on Flickr

I mean, no one sends me hotmail anymore except maybe an old friend from over 2 years ago that doesn’t know I have a gmail account or something. So I go to log into my hotmail and it tells me that “this account has been reserved for you!”. I re-activate it and log into my inbox. My personal folders are all there still but everything is gone. It purged my past, cleaned my slate and I just don’t ever want to log into that service anymore… ever. I have emails from my sister that she sent when I was in Boston, my niece’s 1st birthday invitation, my mom’s first ever email to me, and just a huge archive of ghosts and memories from my past. But it’s okay hotmail, I’m over you and you’re 90s ways. I don’t need your email archives. I have photos and memories and real people to remind me of things. So there.

Side note, my butt was in the LAist today. We were taking the photo above while it was taken… from behind.

13 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Keira-AnneTuesday, July 31st, 2007 — 11:46pm PDT

    I love that your ass is famous in LA.

    Seriously, we’re hot. It’s true.

    I had fun tonight, but we’ll have even more fun cruising and rockin’ out to MmmBop. It’s true.

    P.S. What’s Hotmail?

  2. Miss604Tuesday, July 31st, 2007 — 11:48pm PDT

    What’s Hotmail? I hear it’s something like Blogspot ms Keira-Anne.com 😉 Oh man… MmmBop will be great, you be Taylor, I’ll be… uh that other chick

  3. Keira-AnneTuesday, July 31st, 2007 — 11:49pm PDT

    You can be Zak or Isaac…but if I were you, I’d pick Zak because Isaac was sadly usually known as “the ugly one.”

    Good blogspot comeback, by the way 😉 That made me laugh.

  4. TawcanWednesday, August 1st, 2007 — 12:02am PDT

    Hotmail is absolutely horrible… 99.99% emails I’ve been getting on hotmail are junks. Thank you M$ for all the spams!

  5. Duane StoreyWednesday, August 1st, 2007 — 12:07am PDT

    Yeah hotmail sucks.. I hardly use it at all. I don’t think I’ve ever had a spam on gmail make it through the spam filter.

  6. tonyWednesday, August 1st, 2007 — 3:33am PDT

    hi your entire face was also on LAist too in that post 🙂

    great hanging with you!

  7. Keira-AnneWednesday, August 1st, 2007 — 8:06am PDT

    True, Tony, but sometimes the ass is more important than the face.

  8. Miss604Wednesday, August 1st, 2007 — 8:33am PDT

    My butt just doesn’t usually get that much…. ‘exposure’

  9. arfsukoal bivverosse cloppappappadopparoppaboppaWednesday, August 1st, 2007 — 8:56am PDT

    HA i was going to say exactly what tony said! 🙂 cept i was going to say you/our faces were on it…

  10. gusgreeperWednesday, August 1st, 2007 — 8:57am PDT

    so yes i ummm haven’t built adam his own sign in yet… that was obviously ME. 😛

  11. BradleyWednesday, August 1st, 2007 — 7:43pm PDT

    Showing off your butt for hits now eh?

    Im trying to think of a joke right now about your ass being used as a “plug” for other sites!

  12. Hummingbird604Wednesday, August 1st, 2007 — 10:08pm PDT

    I have switched to GMail almost entirely 🙂

  13. GreggThursday, August 2nd, 2007 — 4:18pm PDT

    Have you checked out Google Apps for Domains?

Also on Miss604.com