
Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Thank you so much for everyone who has tuned into the blog so far and pledged for the Surrey Food Bank. I’ll put up a total around noon but so far I’m blown away by your generosity.

The following photo is courtesy of John Biehler (who has linked me in support of Blogathon). He’s a local blogger, and very knowledgeable about Macs. We first “met” when he commented on my series of “I’m a Mac newbie” posts and enlightened me about several very cool Mac applications and functions.

Photo credit: retrocactus on Flickr

Oh and did I mention he took this with his iPhone while in Kelowna? Yeah… iPhone… *so* jealous!

Blogathon: Post #10

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. alanahSaturday, July 28th, 2007 — 10:43am PDT

    You’re posting bunnies?? You’re are SHAMELESS! 🙂

    Great job, Rebecca. I’ll try and check in as I can throughout the day….

  2. Miss604Saturday, July 28th, 2007 — 10:48am PDT

    Who doesn’t like bunnies! 😀

  3. JohnSaturday, July 28th, 2007 — 5:47pm PDT

    These are wild bunnies running around Kelowna….I actually followed this little guy around the parking lot of East Side Mario’s. I think I spooked him and he bolted through the outside patio…..just imagine a bunch of people yelling “Bunny” as he ran through their legs on the patio….more pics on my flickr stream.

    Keep it up Rebecca! Great stuff so far (hello from Penticton).

  4. CatharinaSaturday, August 18th, 2007 — 12:51am PDT

    Hi there,
    I recently returned from vacation in Kelowna and my family and I were stunned to see scores of domestic bunnies running around in this one section of Kelowna, near downtown. What’s the story behind all these rabbits? They’re not hares, they’re dwarf rabbits…what most people have as pets.

Also on Miss604.com