On a holiday slow motion sets its pace

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Despite the morning news and radio talk show hosts telling me that it was going to be pouring rain yesterday and today, it’s been a gorgeous week so far in Vancouver. I can’t remember the last time I used a song lyric in the title of a blog post, and I also can’t recall the last time I walked home from work in the sunshine and felt like skipping – or had the energy to skip. I just don’t think adults skip often enough.

The sun will shine clear through the weekend and our schedule is filling up yet again. Here are a couple of events put on by some good people that I’d like to plug, some of these can be found on my Facebook calendar as well.

Gastown Photowalk: Walk. Take pictures. Geek out.

Wednesday May 9 from 5:00pm – 8:00pm, Meet @ Bryght, Suite 400 – 1 Alexander, Vancouver, BC [Google Map] [Facebook Link]

Photo credit: kk+ on Flickr

SuperHappyDevHouse, Vancouver Edition

Socialtext’ers are descending on Vancouver as part of their annual migration to meet, hack, and plan. They came up with the idea of bringing the Bay Area-based Super Happy Dev House to Vancouver.

Bryght is providing the venue and BBQ space. Edit the wiki page to let us know you’re coming.

Friday May 11 from 1:00pm to 1:00am @ Bryght [Google Map]

Metamorphosis: Written by Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize winner Mary Zimmerman, directed by Christine Willes, and starring the 2007 graduating class and guest artists of the William Davis Centre for Actors’ Study, this is a theatrical event not to be missed! Set in and around a pool of water on stage, this play is a moving adaptation of Ovid’s myths.

Running from Thursday May 10 to Saturday May 12 @ The Havana Theatre, 1212 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC [Google Map] [Facebook Link]

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