Happy Birthday Momma

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Happy Birthday Momma I didn’t write a post about my mother on her birthday, I figure – how many sappy mushy things can you write year after year on a blog for all to read? Then I realized I didn’t make a post last year.

I’ll have to make up for it by Mother’s Day because I know that my mom would appreciate it (and she cries really easily, it’ll seem like it’s way more touching than it really is… yeah I know, I’m a sweet daughter).

Regardless, it was her birthday yesterday and we celebrated tonight with the girls. We started out with some Thai food then walked to Denman to get celebratory cupcakes. This of course was complete with a sidewalk serenade of “Happy Birthday Momma” for all to hear. She’s an amazing woman and I hope we could bring her a little happiness tonight, because she truly deserves it. That, and an interactive cupcake.

And ma, I’ll work on that nice long sappy post, I promise, I’ll even make it better than Dad’s.

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3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Duane StoreyFriday, May 4th, 2007 — 11:37pm PDT

    Happy Birthday MIss604’s mom!

  2. Mom-in-lawSunday, May 6th, 2007 — 6:25pm PDT

    You do have a remarkable Mom. She already seems like a life long friend. Wishing her many more birthdays.

  3. Mom604Monday, May 7th, 2007 — 8:10am PDT

    It really was a remarkable evening spent with my favourite people. Reading the remarks, I am all teary-eyed already. Thanks to everyone who made it a special day for me. I truly am the fortunate one here!

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