Would You Like Fries With That?
by After having traveled to the UK every few months in the last year and a half I am pretty used to the slight differences in everyday life. Looking right before crossing the street, ordering your food at the bar, trousers are pants/pants are underpants (this can make for some interesting conversations) and so on.
I normally travel alone as well, waiting at airports and bus depots for countless hours I end up mainly just people watching. This past trip my friend Tanya decided to join me and make her first trip across the pond (mandatory lame ‘pond’ reference). People in shops do not ask you how you are doing or if they can help you find something. At first, as friendly Canadians it is hard to get used to, I used to think they were being rude. Now I love not being bothered while I shop. We were also quick to notice that every single meal you will get will include ‘chips’, this includes the Mexican food and everything will really cost you an arm and a leg and possibly an eyeball.
We spent a little time in Wales and the rest of the time in England. I am fortunate enough to have made some really good friends who invited us to stay with them and showed us around. Anytime after a few drinks we could not stop ourselves from mimicking their accents, luckily they thought it was cute, rather than annoying.
There is nothing better than living like a local when you are abroad. We adopted ourselves a little stuffed sheep in quaint town of Bourton-on-the-water and decided that he will forever be our travel companion. We wanted to visit some real sheep but our friend Craig insisted he would not go around asking anyone where he could find some. Apparently ‘sheep worrying’ is a crime anyway. We didn’t want to worry them we just wanted to take their photos!
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Of course now I’m trying to Google “Sheep Worrying”.
Fajitas with a side of chips… just… doesn’t work for me.
I also felt as though I personally smoked at least 5 packs of smokes while I was there as you are still allowed to smoke. It’s weird going into a pub , seeing a lady with a baby in a stroller sitting there smoking while having lunch. My hair and clothing smelled the entire time. I don’t know how people can do it. Luckily they are banning it this summer.
Oh, and the pic of the wierd statue is in Cheltenham, England. Not Wales, but who’s counting
Fajitas and chips@! AUTHENTIC MEXICAN!! haah! I still feel like i have been smoking my whole life. UGH