Playing with iMovie

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

We’re so dead tired but I thought I would post a little something I made, for the simple fact that I figured out how to make it. The program is pretty straightforward although the content we created (below) isn’t the most interesting. It’s just fun to experiment and try out new things, eh.

Next thing ya know I’ll be doing my own podcasts in Garageband – I’ve already used Ubercaster on RadioZoom but really, who wants to hear Miss 604’s voice on another podcast.

Update: Uhh… there might not be audio on this but I’m going to bed… will fix in morning.

Update: Okay the learning experience isn’t over. I encoded this to a Quicktime file, which plays nicely (sound and all) but it seems to lose audio when uploaded to YouTube. We should just go back to making video podcasts with our cell phones but I don’t think some people would like that… you know who you are 😛

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. rilahThursday, March 15th, 2007 — 6:36am PDT

    isn’t new technology both the bane and piece de resistance of your existance?

    take me, i spent about 8 hours on wordpress last night, transferring my blog. did i do dishes or laundry or watch the movie i’d rented or like, sleep. nope. i hate/love it.

  2. Miss604Thursday, March 15th, 2007 — 7:01am PDT

    At least my “star swipe” worked… although it’s not so much a star as a “radial” swipe.

  3. ZanstormFriday, March 16th, 2007 — 3:50pm PDT

    That video won’t load for me at all!

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