brawl with the oil kings

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I did a wishy washy pre-game post on Metblogs earlier today – not knowing what would happen tonight, just hoping something would. And it did.

The game ending in a bit of a scrum, with Burrows in the thick of it with Willie to the rescue, it was evident tonight that we do have talented offense and defense when we use it effectively.

98 Degrees of BieksaVigneault (or Viggy as John likes to call him) put Kesler on the 2nd line with Morrison (BMo) and it seemed to work out pretty well. As Larscheid said, yeah I’m actually quoting Larscheid and not rolling on the ground laughing, Kesler’s “hands are catching up to his feet”. Well, we can hope so since it would be nice to get our money’s worth with this lad.

A name you heard a lot of this game was Bieksa, who was working uber hard earning his 4th point in two games. In the locker room interview after the game (btw, nice towel shots of the players eh?) I finally got a good look at him, does he NOT look like an rougher/angrier Nick Lachey? Ha!

Speaking of “pretty boys” Taytay Pyatt got his 100th NHL goal tonight and 2nd this season. Um… does he wear mascara cause it looks like he just got his eyelashes tinted like me. It’s nice to see he can score on the ice too.

Our D was on fire. Salo, back from his time off due to a groin injury, stepped up to the plate. Is there any sweeter sound that “Salo one times it!” because ya know, the puck is usually headed into the net. Although his goal tonight came with patience, bringing the puck from one side of the zone to another, behind the net and sneaking it past Rollie to put us up 2-1. Salo also drew penalties. When he got bowled over by Smyth in front of Luongo he “fell like a Sedin” our friend said and opened the game up putting us on the power play.

Ohlund was a force as well, very steady leading our D-men with an average of 5 scoring chances each. The Sedins played hard and the line had some GREAT puck handling.

We’re heading into Edmonton tomorrow night (6pm PT). With tonight’s game getting a little rough towards the end proving that the Edmonton match ups this year will certainly keep your heart racing.

With that said, I’ll save the rest of my comments for this week’s Crazy Canucks Podcast. I swear I’ll try to talk more, I’m usually just in awe of the great commentary by my co-hosts and fellow roundtablers. Look for the next episode soon.

12 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. John BollwittMonday, October 16th, 2006 — 11:31pm PDT

    That pic is simply disturbing…

    I want Alanah to chime in on this one. :p

  2. Miss604Monday, October 16th, 2006 — 11:34pm PDT

    I’m glad you read this now before bed otherwise I’d have some ‘splaining to do tomorrow if you sat down on my computer and saw all the Nick Lachey/98 Degrees Google Image searches on here, eh :p

  3. BabyBoyTuesday, October 17th, 2006 — 11:00am PDT

    hey miss 604 (aka podcast princess)! i just wanted you to know that i think your blog is most “bieksa-llent”! (as mr. larscheid would say, hehe). you should have a favourite “larscheid-isms” entry…second only to “laura-isms” of course 😉

  4. Miss604Tuesday, October 17th, 2006 — 11:06am PDT

    hehe I’m sure Alanah (at VCOE) and JJ (at Canucks Hockey Blog) have probably done something to that effect… here’s some I just googled:

    “I could watch Paul Kariya play with himself all day” — Tom Larscheid
    “Pavel Bure’s groin has never felt better” — Tom Larscheid

    I just found more in the forum, goodies such as “That’s highway robbery! SOMEBODY CALL THE LAW!” — Tom Larscheid

  5. J.J.Tuesday, October 17th, 2006 — 3:24pm PDT

    Don’t get me started on Taylor “my wife calls him my baby” Pyatt. 😐

  6. SoultranceTuesday, October 17th, 2006 — 5:13pm PDT

    Re: Email

    Writing for MetroBlogging would be cool, not sure how often they would want me to write something though. BR wanted me to write for them but I didn’t think I’d be able to keep up with the desired 4 or so posts a week.

    If you were actually serious about this all, email me, I’m totally interested. 🙂


  7. John BollwittWednesday, October 18th, 2006 — 1:02am PDT

    That’s Tyler MYSPACE Pyatt.

    I caught the Larscheid comment on the Canucks This Week on Team 1040, and holy crap… can this guy get any worse than that? Next thing you know, it will be “Lindelicious”, or “Sedincredible”, or “Naslawesome”.

    My god I hope he doesn’t read this.

  8. Miss604Wednesday, October 18th, 2006 — 1:04am PDT

    Yeah I’d like a bucket o chicken, some biscuits and a side of Naslawsome.

  9. SandyWednesday, October 18th, 2006 — 2:34am PDT

    Hahah, I’d give anything to hear that commentary!

  10. alanahThursday, October 19th, 2006 — 12:01am PDT

    This image is so troubling… and I really liked Bieksa, too. Disturbing.

  11. ZanstormWednesday, October 25th, 2006 — 4:44pm PDT

    Ah crap.. I KNEW Bieksa looked familiar! Now if the Canucks could get a female goaltender that looks like Jessica Simpson…..:)

  12. Vancouver Canucks Op Ed » Blog Archive » Puck Bunny Guide to VancouverThursday, October 26th, 2006 — 2:23pm PDT

    […] It also reminds me of Miss 604’s hilarious photo array last week which proved, beyond all reasonable doubt, that Kevin Bieksa is actually Nick Lachey. […]

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