Is There Anything They Can't Do?

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I just stopped on a channel showing a movie that’s pretty dear to me: The Wedding Singer. It’s made to be 80s, it’s hokey and I used to watch it with my sister (over and over again) before she got married, cause it made us giggle. There’s a part where they briefly show a television and the Dunkin DonutsTime to Make the Donuts” commercial is on. This reminded me of something I heard this morning: Krispy Kreme is coming out with a new whole wheat donut.

The 100 percent whole wheat doughnut — with only 180 calories — has a caramel flavoring and is covered with the doughnut-maker’s original glaze [BusinessWeek]

This is fantastic because the “original glaze” is 200 calories, according to online nutritional info. Thank goodness we can save on 20 of ’em with this new product. But really, if you’re watching your figure/weight, what are you doing in a doughnut shop in the first place?

If a nice scrumptious Tim Horton’s donut plain glazed is your poison, you’ll be ingesting 260 calories. For something less artery-clogging, try a maple, chocolate or honey dip – they are only 210 per serving [TimHorton’s].

Photo credit: Audihertz on Flickr

A ginormous doughnutty event is happening right now in this fair country: Roll Up the Rim to Win at Tim Ho. Here in BC we get the shaft. Although you may spot a free cookie or coffee when you roll up your rim, chances are if you’re in Ontario you’re far more likely to win that iPod, TV or car. If you take a look at the official rules and regulations, you’ll find that our stores have only received 18,164 cases of 1,000 contest cups. Compare that to 152,402 in Ontario. Yeah, they like their Tim Ho back East. Home of the fabled… “Gretzky“…

Dunkin Donuts served its purpose for me in Boston. It supplied me with a morning bolt of caffeine and added a lovely sugary smell to subway stations, capping off the scent of oil, metal and urine. Double D’s also has the fewest calories in their original plain glazed donut, with only 180 [DunkinDonuts].

On the other end of the spectrum, the Tim Ho Walnut Crunch (360 calories), the DD Chocolate Iced Bismark (340), and the KK Cookies n’ Kreme (400), are the top artery-cloggers at each establishment. And don’t go thinking about Tim Bits or Munchkins as alternatives, they start at 60 calories each – and with a pack of 20 you’re not doing yourself any favours.

Regardless of the calories, fat, sodium, carbs etc. the main reason most people visit these establishments is the coffee. The sweet, sweet nectar of the Gods that keeps us coming back for more.

So whose coffee / baked goods do you prefer? (and don’t get me started on Starbucks and their oat bar downsizing ways).

12 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. John BollwittTuesday, February 27th, 2007 — 10:51pm PST

    You get the 50% shaft from Starbucks now. The only reason I liked going there was for the oat bar. I say good day to you, sir! Er, starbucks!

  2. DuaneTuesday, February 27th, 2007 — 11:24pm PST

    I hate starbucks.. The coffee is complete crap (it tastes burnt) and everything in the store is super overpriced.

    However, like everyone else, I continue to go back. I read an article where some guy basically said we go there not because we want the coffee, because we’re willing to spend $5 buying a little time away from the office and the craziness of life.

    Maybe it’s true…

  3. GZ ExpatWednesday, February 28th, 2007 — 12:42am PST

    If you want to spot a gweilo (Cantonese for ‘White Ghost’) in Guangzhou…go to Starbucks. Inside you will only find white folk camped out…paying entirely too much for a cup of coffee. But, they have the same pastries as they have in the states…which begs me to ask…how long have they been frozen/freeze dried???

    Now…as for KK…we at least have an outlet in Hong Kong to go to!

    When I went there in December, the girl behind the counter looked at me strange when I ordered only a 1/2 dozen for the 4 of us. ‘Don’t you want the whole dozen and get a cup of coffee for free?’ Uhhh…no thanks…the sugar rush of just 1.5 of those babies would be fine, thanks.

  4. wynWednesday, February 28th, 2007 — 12:47am PST

    Tim Horton’s if I can swing it. I’ll even drink their coffee though I’m not a coffee-drinker. The evil-est item on their menu is the chocolate danish – SO good if it’s warm – which is a whopping 430 calories and melty and flaky goodness.

  5. J.J.Wednesday, February 28th, 2007 — 8:49am PST

    Esquire’s (I am a Surrey guy after all), Tim Horton’s, Blenz. Cafe Artigiano when I feel like treating myself to a fancy coffee (or when someone else is paying).

    The only reason I go to Starbucks is because people know I like coffee and they keep giving me gift cards.

  6. RoshanWednesday, February 28th, 2007 — 12:25pm PST

    I would love to try Second Cup, Tim Horton’s & Starbucks – but we don’t get them in India. I like Cafe Coffee Day and enjoy going there a couple of times in a week.

  7. Jenny(sis604)Wednesday, February 28th, 2007 — 12:28pm PST

    I think you should be happy there is no starbucks there.

  8. Miss604Wednesday, February 28th, 2007 — 2:22pm PST

    Tim Ho is good but it doesn’t taste like true coffee – it’s like a version of coffee that gets you hooked. Starbucks, yeah tastes burnt, but after having that Blenz just tastes too weak, even if you go with a dark roast.

    All I know is that John and I got a deal on Folgers coffee at home – and after finishing off a couple tubs’ o that, ANYTHING tastes better than that.

  9. BradleyWednesday, February 28th, 2007 — 3:39pm PST

    i just stick to my free coffee at you know where

  10. Rev. Don DeeleyWednesday, February 28th, 2007 — 11:13pm PST

    I’m not a big coffee fan, in fact I gave up caffeine for Lent. However I am a donut fan. That was even the heart of my rage against my radio station during their pledge drive last week. I went in to run board for them-6 in the morning!-and no donuts. At all! I rather like Dunkin Donuts, though it’s been years since I’ve had them. KK is way too rich but sometimes that’s fine. Honestly I enjoy Hostess and grocery store donuts best. They’re very utilitarian. They get the donut job-part of which entails making you not want any more donuts-done.

  11. DavidSunday, March 4th, 2007 — 1:57pm PST

    The Hob Nob Donut Shop at Royal York and Bloor in Toronto is where I’ve gone for high octane coffee since I started consuming. Before that, I visited the Hob Nob for a Dr. Pepper and to play the Miss Pac Man table with one hand while I chowed down on an orange crueller with the other.

    As for a chain, Coffee Time Donuts in Ontario has horrendous coffee, but you’re quite likely to witness a stabbing.

  12. Miss604’s Canuck Life :: A Vancouver Blog » Blog Archive » Rising Fame Through Baked GoodsTuesday, April 10th, 2007 — 5:42pm PDT

    […] phone replied “what a nice combination.” The CBC contacted me a few days ago about a post I had written, it just so happens that it’s about […]

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