The Gift of Digital Music

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

I logged into Myspace after reading Matt Good’s post [mg] about an online doppleganger. I figured I’d check my messages, delete friend requests (from random bands and big-chested, scantily clad men and women wanting to “party”) and look at some bulletins.

It seems that some of my favourite artists are having holiday promotions, offering up special tracks and tunes at no cost, for our listening pleasure.

Holly McNarland:

Komrade Sessions“…I’ve put up Bye Bye Boy, a song from my latest EP, “The Komrade Sessions”, as a free download until Christmas.

This is the acoustic version of Bye Bye Boy. I have a full length, fully produced record coming out tentatively in April 2007 which will include the full blown Rock Steady version of the song. It’ll make you wanna go and do some driving.”

The GoStation:

“…for a limited time only, anyone who orders a copy of the Quiet Zone EP directly through our website will receive their copy of the CD signed by the entire band! Plus, as a bonus, you’ll also get a link to free downloads of both our new singles, “All Together Now” and “Not Enough.” Both tracks are set to appear on our debut album, which we’re in the studio *right now* finishing up! Click here to buy the Quiet Zone EP and get your free download link!”

Aberdeen City:

“…we thought it appropriate to record a Christmas song in our hotel instead. We’re floating it out there as a free digital single for all of you, packaged with a never-released late night driving version of “God is Going To Get Sick of Me”. Use the below link to download the songs and the artwork.”

The guys don’t have any holiday downloads but they’ve just added several more dates for a spring tour, posted a couple live videos on their page and you can still check out the trailer for the 16 minute film Eme Nakia:

The film grew out of a desire for the band to make a movie while recording their third album. Jim Ward, frontman and guitarist for the band, suggested telling the story of Hajjar’s (Sparta’s drummer) remarkable personal history: He was born in Beirut, Lebanon and at the age of 5, along with his family, fled his country during the Lebanese civil war of 1975-1990.

They immigrated to the United States, settling in the sprawling west Texas border town of El Paso. When Hajjar was fourteen his Eme died after a bout with cancer and his father, who had been distant, left the family. His brother, only 18-years old at the time, assumed responsibility for the family and raised Tony and his sister. In the film, we follow Hajjars early life story, showing his challenges and ending with him in present-day. View trailer.

I now have a void in my “top 8” due to Matt Good’s removal of his Myspace page. I’m not too eager to fill that gap, and I don’t think I’ll be logging in again for a while. I think I mostly got the Myspace account so that no one else would scoop up “miss604”. I see now that small measures like that don’t really mean much, it’s pretty much anything and everyone goes.

Update: I forgot about the Vanmega 2006 Audio Almanac, available by mail or download. A lovely treat if you’re a fan of the monthly Vanmega Mix Tapes.

Also, how could I forget about our podcast, John’s latest “Six Song Donut Spectacular” is now available for download.

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  1. KCMonday, December 18th, 2006 — 9:01pm PST


    I’ve been reading your posts for a couple of weeks now and I really enjoy what you write about. I’m also from Vancouver…(Surrey, really) but I live in Calgary now.

    I just wanted to share a link of another free mp3 that is offering. It’s really good Christmas music. I hope you enjoy it.



  2. Miss604Monday, December 18th, 2006 — 9:08pm PST

    Thanks! We watch Studio 60 regularly and the episode that featured those musicians from New Orleans was really cool.

  3. KevBoTuesday, December 19th, 2006 — 3:09pm PST

    who knew it paid to have a myspace account. too mad I deleted mine

  4. RadioZoom » Blog Archive » Aberdeen City’s Christmas GiftWednesday, December 20th, 2006 — 9:16am PST

    […] A little while ago Jim from Aberdeen City (the very cool manager that set up the interview with us for RadioZoom) emailed me to ask for our address. Yesterday our Christmas greeting arrived from the band. It included more information about the free holiday download that’s being offered on their official website. All is explained in my recent post [The Gift of Digital Music] Aberdeen City [MySpace]: […]

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