Happy Birthday Jenny

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Jenny and MeJen is my big sister and yes, my mother used to dress us in matching clothing (exhibit A is to the right).

She and I argue(d) over clothing, friends, and just because we needed something to do. We’d always know how to do the most damage on each other (physically and emotionally) yet – we’ve always been there for each other and no one else compares. What else are sisters for?

When I moved to Boston I had a pretty hard time. Completely alone in a new city, state, country and job. I found myself in a really rough patch and within a couple days my sister was a plane. She came out to spend a weekend with me just because I needed someone. These are the crazy things my big sister does for others.

She always thought of me as a pest, a pesky little sister that was emotional, clingy and an all-round pain in the ass. I don’t get it, she didn’t like hearing about how she was my hero and how much I loved her every hour on the hour? I mean, I was a really cute kid.

From the big huge selfless acts, to always planing my birthday parties and lending me her wicked nice shirts to wear, she’s pretty great. And aside from working and raising her 3 children, she had time to be my maid of honor this year and show me the best stagette (beware of the whip-yielding kitty!)

In return, I do things like regularly taking the Flickr pics of her that she thinks are ‘ugly’ (even though they aren’t in the slightest). I hope to return in kind the love and support she’s shown me over the years, if that’s even possible.

Maybe one day I’ll just be less annoying and embarrassing to her, although without that she wouldn’t have such juicy stories to tell at my wedding shower to all our friends and family. And I supposed writing an entire blog post about her doesn’t help – so yeah, I’ll start all ‘less annoying’ stuff tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Jenny. The big sister, the yummy mummy, and a true testament to the stubbornness strength the women in our family have.

And here’s to people thinking you are the younger of the two of us.

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  1. JennyMonday, December 4th, 2006 — 10:35am PST

    No, I love YOU more !

    uhh..thanks for making me cry on my 21st birthday *cough cough*

    You forgot to mention the time you stole my brand new shirt and wore it for muddy rugby practice.

    Ok, now for the mush. Who else can you have a full-blown ,fist flying, hair pulling , face slapping fight with one minute and the next minute head to the mall together for some shopping.

    I was always confused as to how you looked up to me when I was always in awe of all your wonderful accomplishments.

    Love you xoxox

  2. mom604Monday, December 4th, 2006 — 11:04am PST

    You girls certainly drove me crazy at times! But remember I got even by giving you both bangs everytime I trimmed your hair.

  3. Miss604Monday, December 4th, 2006 — 11:07am PST

    I KNEW that had to be some form of punishment! Although I think I let you cut my bangs til high school – Jen caught on to your plot a while before that…

Also on Miss604.com