johnny canuck
byThe old vintage jerseys look great on TV. Lately, fans have been obsessed with the soothing blue and the crisp green of the 70s era Canucks uniforms [audihertz].
They were brought back a couple of years ago when the league was having flashbacks. You’d catch original six teams playing each other in their old colours or logos while our guys would don the ‘stick in rink’.
Lately, these have become our third jerseys – almost permanent fixtures and selling like hotcakes cause the fans just love ’em. With the recent 100% local ownership, the talk of bringing back the stick in rink made Vancouverites all giddy [globe & mail]. Even the newly re-launched is sporting white and blue.
I must admit, they are better than the orange and yellow V’s of the 80s, although the skate will always have a place in my heart.
When goalie Roberto Luongo goes ‘vintage’ he sports a mask with Johnny Canuck painted on the side. Now just who IS Johnny Canuck?
Johnny Canuck was created as a national personification of Canada. He first appeared in early political cartoons dating to 1869 where he was portrayed as a younger cousin of the United States’ Uncle Sam and Britain’s John Bull….
The character re-emerged during World War II in the February 1942 issue of Bell’s Dime Comics No.1. …Johnny Canuck’s cartoon exploits helped Canada fight against Nazism. Like Captain America, he met Adolf Hitler and almost single-handedly ended the war…[Wiki]
When I lived in the States people used to ask me if “Canuck” [wiki] was a derogatory term. They’d want to use it (or had heard it used) in such a manner. Looking at, I can see why they might think that. Hmmf. I don’t take any offense to the term, even if my team was handed their biggest loss of the season by the Ducks [tsn] the other night *sigh*
There have been many superstitions about our team. I heard one that it was considered unlucky to have their arena located between two bridges. Hmm might explain why we haven’t made it to the cup final since the days of the Pacific Coliseum. There are other rumors that the vintage jersey is lucky, some think it’s unlucky. Some say that the vintage-style pads Luongo wore the other night were to blame for a loss.
We don’t know yet whether or not the owners decide to give the Orca the boot. Johnny Canuck probably won’t be making a return, and I think it doesn’t matter what we wear right now – we should just be looking to succeed this season.
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Ooh, I’ve been wondering why they were wearing their vintage gear. They do look pretty good.
So, yet another loss. At least they didn’t get a thrashing, but it grates on my nerves when Calgary beats us.
Teams need to bring back the Winnipeg Jets and the Quebec Nordiques vintage jerseys. The teams that used to be them should give the old teams the respect they deserve.
I think during the cup run you could spot several Carolina fans in the stands wearing Whalers jerseys.
I love the vintage jerseys, and think they should just bring them back for good. I don’t think that Luongo likes the vintage style pads…. the first game they wore the vintage jerseys this season, he ended up taking the vintage pads off during the 1st intermission and putting on his “regular ones”. Maybe he doesn’t feel quite comfortable in them yet. Maybe they need to be “broken” in…. I just hope they start winning some games!
I think it shows that Luongo is not so much a superstition type of player, but I totally think that it was a matter of those vintage pads not being broke in. I pray that’s the case, and if it is, then he should play in his blue RBK pads. I’ll make the sacrifice of mis-matching colors if his original blue ones feel, and play, better.
The rink and stick logo is stupid. Sorry. It was dumped in the 70’s because it was stupid…what was stupid then, is stupid today. Then they went to the technicolor flying V and the skate…wow. The whale at least yearns of the northwest (do you guys call it the southwest??) and gives a good meaning to the area…but, it IS a corporate logo too.
BUT…I love the Johnny Canuck logo. Put THAT on their chest and you have something that really tells another team what you are all about. You can keep putting the stupid rink and stick logo on the shoulders, nobody cares about those anyway…cuz they are…stupid!
Blue and green is crisp. Blue for water, green for the evergreen-covered mountains that surround us. But you’re right the “C” is very Pacific Northwest. The orca, the First Nations element to the way it’s styled… and yes, it’s corporate. At least it’s not a Buffaslug (which, by the way is currently the top selling jersey in the league eek!)
I remember the 50’s/60’s Canucks (the forum), when players used to let us poor east enders int their entrance to watch the game for free, standing room only. Bring back the old Johnny Canuck logo, the sooner the better. It’s a classic like the maple leaf and the CH.
do you know of any company in Vancouver that has the old Johny Canuck embrodiery to reproduce a vintage hockey jersey
I’m looking into it & will get back to you 🙂
[…] The Canucks are sitting at 27-19-2 with the league’s best goalie as displayed in last night’s All Star Super Skills competition [], and they are riding high along with all those on the bandwagon. Sure we get silly and plan parade routes in jest, hoping and wanting that Cup to make its home in Vancouver. I find myself often wondering about the white towels that will be handed out at our first playoff games. Will they have the Orca logo, or the fan-favourite stink in rink [604]? Hmm. […]
[…] The Vancouver Canucks logo has been the topic of much debate recently. This is evident when I’m browsing my stats and see that “Johnny Canuck Logo” is the term most searched, that will link to my blog. […]
I would rather see the caunuks loose every game in the vintage uniforms, than see them win in an imposters sweater! Watching the canucks in another uniform, is like watching another team play! Frankly I like the St. Louis Blues better than the Vancouver Orcas! Now that the Vancouver Orcas or the Johnny Canucks play at General Motor’s Palace, mabye the real Vancouver Canucks could play at the muched loved Pacific Coloseum! It’s no wonder the Canucks Suck!
[…] We celebrated the Canucks’ win on Sunday with good friend of ours in North Vancouver. While enjoying tonight’s victory, I sported my fancy new Johnny Canuck t-shirt (below) that was supplied by said friends. […]
I’ve found a vintage Canuck jersey with a modified Johnny Canuck Logo. It looks great I love it. Getting Lots of compliments on the jersey. I’m so disappointed the Canucks are not going to bring back Johnny Canuck. No one is really all that fond of the Free Willy Logo. I probably won’t buy the new jerseys next year
The vintage jerseys are lame.
The Orca jerseys are the best in the NHL. I live in Southern California & when the Canucks made the change from the “Skate” logo to the Orca, the stores were slow to stock them. I literally went to Vancouver for the day & ended up in the southern part at a mall to find some gear. I like it that much.
The vintage jerseys are not lucky. They are boring. Nice colors, but boring.
There is no question that Johnny Canuck should be on the Canucks’ uniforms in some shape or form. To me and most fans, the IDEAL Canucks sweater is having the Stick and Rink “C” as the primary crest with Johnny Canuck on the shoulders.
Although Francesco Aquilini and new president Chris Zimmerman stated that they are keeping the orca “C” for logo stability, I’ve heard rumours from a couple of Authentix employees that the whale is slowly being phased out. If you go went around downtown during the Canucks’ Stanley Cup run last month, every 7 to 8 out of 10 Canucks car flags were Stick and Rink. That should tell you something and I am sure Mr. Aquilini does as well.
I see the Stick and Rink crest with Johnny Canuck on the Canucks’ uniforms by the 2009-10 season, our Vancouver Olympic year and the Canucks’ 40th anniversary in the NHL. So, vintage fans and Johnny Canuck fans, don’t give up hope.
As I understand it, Johnny Canuck was the Canucks logo in the PCHL years.
Does it make too much sense to actually use Johnny Canuck for our logo?
Lose the free Willy logo already! Mr. Aquilini says that he does’nt want to do a money grab with a new logo. Please tell us the performance… money grabbing nhl jersey redesign is not a money grab. Redesign, Canuck “C” if that’s the case; I’m done buying Canuck jersies. Bring back Johny Canuck
I’ve never been a fan of any of the Canucks logo’s. However, a couple of months ago, I saw this guy wearing a Canuck jersey (home white, with blue and green trim) and a big Johnny Canuck emblem. No Vancouver Canuck wording around it, just the logo. Very, very sharp! Kicking myself because I can’t remember where he said he got it!
I’m a fan of “The Skate”, myself … I liked the colour schemes, especially the crisp white HOME uni (now home uni’s are the dark – by the way, what’s up with THAT ???). Speaking of ‘luck’ and fortune, both runs to the finals were wearing these much maligned orange/black/yellow logo’s, whether it was the “V” or “The Skate”; so in essence, isn’t the TRUE dynastic history of The Canucks best exemplified by this colour scheme? “The Skate” took what were sharp (pardon the pun!) colours in a bad design, and made them shape colours in a great design… they never would have changed had not McCaw and Co. landed here with their corporate mentality anyways… The most winning teams in Canucks history have bourne these colours, so why not STICK with them, instead of “The Stick”, or Orca Bay’s promotional tie-in? (Why not just wear Ferrari and Addidas and Brother and Nike logos instead, like European football and hockey?) Check out The Trans-World Hockey League ( for some REALLY interesting ORIGINAL jersey logos!!! Haha! Cheers!
You can buy this johnny canuck shirt here at! I saw one at the game last friday, it looked awesome!
I had mine early last year from a completely different source, not the site claiming to be “the ONLY place you will find the original “Johnny Canuck” shirt.
Hey Bob Rogers, that was me with the Johnny Canuck Jersey. Every time I wear that jersey people say they love it. of course a lot of younger people don’t even know what they’re looking at. But they like it. I’ll always say this is the logo for all time for the Vancouver Canucks. I’ll have nothing to do with a Vancouver Orca Bay Jersey.
Hi Mr. Ross Muehlfarth.
I TOTALLY echo your comments regarding the Canucks’ vintage Orca Bay sweaters. You know something? I have a sneaking suspicion that we will finally see Johnny Canuck, whether it’s the original or a nice updated version, on a third sweater next season. Despite what Francesco Aquilini and Chris Zimmerman have said, I think the Canucks kept the Orca because the ownership trial wasn’t over at time and it costs a lot of money to get the rights to the original Johnny Canuck and to change the logo. I also think that the “Vancouver” wording was a cheap cover-up to tone down the Orca until the Canucks are able to take things to the next step. Next season, the club is removing the Orca Bay name from its corporation. Fans like you and I in this city and province not only love our team, we love our name. Hey, I was a big fan of the skate logo and the home yellow uniforms from the 80s. However, as a true hardcore Vancouver Canucks fan, I want to see this franchise have a crest and uniform that truly symbolizes our franchise and it’s history. The vintage colours are great. The stripes are great. You know something else? The original Johnny Canuck has two elements in relation to past logos. He’s holding a hockey stick(first logo) and he’s wearing skates(second logo).
So, Mr. Meuhlfarth, why don’t we join forces together and write to Mr. Aquilini and Mr. Zimmerman and talk them into putting Johnny Canuck on a third sweater? It will outsell the Orca like no tomorrow. Any questions or concerns, I would be very happy to hear from you. You can contact me at Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the rest of the season. Cheers!
Hey Andre,
Ross here, tried to contact you it showed no address. Any way I can write mr. Aquilini and Mr. Zimmerman about a third jersey. I’m sure that what ever they pay for the copyrights will be recovered in sales and marketing. Our Canucks will have their identity for all time.
Merry Christmas to you too Andre
Hey Ross,
Andre here. Thanks for getting back to me and for your Christmas greetings too. You had trouble contacting me? That’s strange, did you type in the correct e-mail address? It’s That’s unusual. If you continue to have problems e-mailing me, we will just have to have contact through this system. So, anyway, I was at the Canucks team store today and I wanted purchase this season’s media guide. I asked a couple of the employees if there has been any word on a third jersey and they haven’t heard anything. So, we have the time to contact the Canuck organization and give them our Johnny Canuck ideas. Now, Ross, have you ever seen the updated Johnny Canuck logo? It was designed by a renowned North Vancouver artist named Glen Green. He does great work. His version is Johnny holding a stick over his shoulder with a serious look on his face and he is leaning out of the current “C” without the orca. The Canucks were planning on using it for their previous third jersey(the tye-dyed ones) until GM Brian Burke’s arrogance and ego got the better of him and he simply said “no”. That was because he was upset with Sun columnist, Greg Douglas, who leaked the Johnny Canuck idea. Figures that Burke’s current team, the Ducks, have the laziest creation of a logo and colour scheme. That being said, what do you think the third uniform should look like? What about Johnny on a crisp-looking green sweater with green socks and blue pants and blue helmets? A sharp and unique look, I should say. No one else has it. Take the three oldest Canadian franchises: Montreal in red, Toronto in blue, and Vancouver in green. Just as long as the green isn’t overly bright.
Anyway, Ross, take care and again, it’s
For anyone interested, I have some news regarding Johnny Canuck. I recently saw in a couple of sporting retail outlets a small plastic hockey stick with the Canucks Orca logo and a V logo with the head of the original Johnny Canuck lumberjack on the top. The latter is the same logo that is on a T-shirt that I recently bought online. I have seen this logo on NHL logo websites, but I wasn’t sure how legitimate it was. But now, seeing this Johnny Canuck V logo on a licenced NHL product, I believe is a strong indication of things to come. In my opinion, this updated Johnny Canuck logo looks sharp, simple, and original.
Did anyone ever see a “Johnny Canuck” logo/jersey featuring a World War I Pilot? It was very sharp also! Saw it listed somewhere online, but cannot seem to locate it anymore. Bob
[…] thinking it’s not entirely impossible that they’d go with something of a Johnny Canuck flare especially seeing how many Skytrain stations have John’s poster plastered all over them […]
The new V logo with the head of the original Johnny Canuck lumberjack sucks!!!! it looks like the JOS LOUIS CAKES LOGO.
Bring back the old Stick & Rink logo or the old Johnny Canuck logo from the 20s or 40s.
the v logo looks like the Vachon baker logo.
The Johnny Canuck V is a very sharp logo that is yet simple and it says, “Vancouver Canucks”. It is time for people to stop their constant whining and complaining. Forget the Vachon Cakes logo for crying out loud. The fact that there is some resemblence between the two logos is just a COINCIDENCE, that’s all. The Canucks V logo is different from the Vachon V in terms of shape, colour, and design, while Johnny’s head is bigger with no arm present. Even his eyes are open while the baker is stuffing his face with fattening junk food with his eyes closed. The Johnny Canuck V is more comparable to the BC Lions logo with the use of the city/province’s initials with the heads of the mascots that bear the names of the respective teams. The V pays homage to the city of Vancouver and the Vancouver Millionares while the head of Johnny Canuck symbolizes the legendary character that our beloved NHL franchise is named after. The Chicago Blackhawks and the Washington Redskins have very similiar looking logos. The Chicago Bears and the Cincinatti Reds have C logos that look EXACTLY alike.
Let’s have some Vancouver Canuck pride for Pete’s sake. Be proud that the Johnny Canuck lumberjack and our city’s initial is finally on our uniforms. Who else in North American major pro sports has a V logo? Congratulations to the Canucks for FINALLY coming up with a great looking uniform that pays respect to our hockey heritage.
Hate the stick in rink… This was a failed kindergarten project where they said to some kids there is a rink there is hockey sticks, it’s called hockey draw something. Any team in the league could use it and at least 15 more if they can see the “C” it’s in their name or nickname.
The “V” when placed next to the Vachon logo is not even close except they both have V’s (I’ve done it). We need something that says Canadian west coast and is indigenous to us. The Orca is one but I prefer Johnny Canuck it’s us, it’s was a consistent winning team, and it shows motion and pay homage to history.
Sorry I didn’t even see Andre’s post before I posted mine. So needless to say we are on the same wavelength this Andre is a visionary. LOL
The SLANG TERM is a SYNONYM for RAT/RATF***/RATF***ER- VERY DEROGATORY- WORSE than calling somebody a N*****; with the same context!
The “CANADIANA” part can only be salvaged via “the PONY
WWII Johnny Canuck comic-book hero was a PILOT
“Johnny Canuck Skating lumberjack” WAS IN FACT Based on a BARFIGHT at the ST. Regis Hotel when ORIGINAL OWNER Coley Hall and Art Nevison had a BARFIGHT with some French-canadien loggers!
WWII Johnny Canuck comic-book hero was a PILOT
“Johnny Canuck Skating lumberjack” WAS IN FACT Based on a BARFIGHT at the ST. Regis Hotel when ORIGINAL OWNER Coley Hall and Art Nevison had a BARFIGHT with some French-canadien loggers!
Does that year mean anything significate for “CANUCKLHEAD” fans!
A Horse IS NOT a Dolphin!
It would be refreshing to see someone, anyone, in this town do an original piece that clarifies the history of the Johnny Canuck logo and the formation of the Canucks. The stories that we hear about Johnny Canuck being a 1880’s political cartoon or a cartoon fighting pilot are interesting, but they have absolutely no relevance to the history of this team.
Ditto for the old Johnny Canuck logo that is featured on this page and everywhere else on the Internet. If the WHL Canucks actually used that logo officially, it was not for very long, and it doesn’t really look like the team’s original Johnny Canuck logos.
The Johnny Canuck logo featured on Luongo’s mask is actually the original logo. It was also the logo most commonly used by the team. It first appeared in the mid fifties and was worn as a shoulder patch on the team’s dark uniforms. The second Johnny Canuck logo is the one that is found on that red and gold uniform that has been floating around the Internet lately. That logo was the only Johnny Canuck logo that was featured on the front of a Canuck sweater. It was worn during 1962-63 season.