here goes nothing

Comments 24 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve gone and done it. Switched my provider. Switched from Blogger to WordPress.

John and I are about to pull each other’s hair out. We’re both control freaks, both the youngest in the family and completely impatient. You do the math. Throughout the entire process though, John’s been really super great and helpful, making sure that things happen, that they go smoothly and that I don’t have a heart attack.

I’ll be adding the links back to my blogroll and podcast roll tomorrow so don’t worry. We need to make it flow a little better, make it a little prettier and work out a few kinks. There’s something that still isn’t sitting quite right but hey, this is the first step.

All previous Blogger posts will stay ugly and non-Wordpressy pretty for now (hence the uneven fonts and BIG pics).

There was someone who said I really need to move off of Blogger – John just looked at me tonight and said “we need him to look at this” so he can pin point what exactly it is that we’re missing (on top of the 100 obvious things we already know about).

Please let us know what you think and if you’re a super crafty person that wants to help us out and get oodles of credit, just let me know.

PS – Laura’s work rocks. I’m now an official guinea pig err model for all their fun things like today’s eyelash tinting for example – awesome. Doesn’t she look cute with a lil lipstick on?

24 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. John BollwittFriday, October 13th, 2006 — 12:02am PDT

    Impatient??? hehe

    Let’s just say that this has been quite the process to get things this far. Now that we’re here, things can only get better from here on out. We’ll have you speaking PHP in no time!

  2. SoultranceFriday, October 13th, 2006 — 12:06am PDT

    I’m already loving it. It looks really nice. Clean, simple, easy to read. Very smart.

    I really like the font for your nav bar and MISS604.COM are the top too, what font is that?

    Oh yeah, if you need any help with WordPress, let me know. I’m headed off to bed now so you’ll have to hit me up tomorrow, but I know HTML, CSS and some PHP and have been tooling with my wordpress since I started using it. If I can’t help myself, I can find out how or who can. 🙂

    Have a great night! I’m off to bed. 🙂

  3. Miss604Friday, October 13th, 2006 — 12:06am PDT

    It was all your idea. You knew what you were getting into when you signed on for this. Yeah, I’m talking about the BLOG… or am I… 😛

  4. SandyFriday, October 13th, 2006 — 4:22am PDT

    It’s looking great, I’m not sure what else could be improved. I’m still trying to grasp WordPress, but I’m still stuck in the HTML styles of 1997. Woe.

  5. lucasFriday, October 13th, 2006 — 5:58am PDT

    very nice – much better than the old blogger layout.

  6. JennyFriday, October 13th, 2006 — 9:31am PDT

    Tell Laura I want to come next week ! 🙂
    Oh and she owes me a dinner date

  7. J.J.Friday, October 13th, 2006 — 10:01am PDT

    Nice work kids!

    From a non-techie, rookie blogger person… besides the fact that Blogger is down a lot, what sort of disadvantages are there to using it? Just wondering because I’m on Blogger. 🙂

  8. Miss604Friday, October 13th, 2006 — 10:04am PDT

    I dunno, I really had no problem with Blogger because it’s easy to use and is a decent publisher for us not-so-techies. It did go down a lot and I find that I have SO many more creative options with WP. You’ll see… oh you’ll see 😉

  9. taradenFriday, October 13th, 2006 — 10:44am PDT

    Yay!! Welcome to WP!!

  10. melFriday, October 13th, 2006 — 11:45am PDT

    LOVE IT! I’m wordpress too.. hrm.. I know a *few* things so you can gimme a shout with whatever isn’t working quite right?

  11. KevBoFriday, October 13th, 2006 — 12:55pm PDT

    Lookin good. Grab the widget sidebar, it makes things a little easier

  12. Miss604Friday, October 13th, 2006 — 1:32pm PDT

    JJ – John pointed me to this story he found online today re: Blogger

  13. KeithSaturday, October 14th, 2006 — 12:33pm PDT

    Welcome to the WP community. hehe… I’m not a massive expert, but I’d be happy to offer any help I can. 😀

  14. Jonathon NarveySaturday, October 14th, 2006 — 5:25pm PDT

    Congratulations on the switch. I’m still on Blogger… and it seems like I might be the only one left in a little bit. Blogger is so easy to use and I’m afraid of what I don’t understand.

    I’ve also been considering a switch, but the nightmare of redesigning my blog from scratch keeps me from doing it. I realize that the longer I stay on Blogger, the worse it will be when I finally do get the courage to move…

  15. Jonathon NarveySaturday, October 14th, 2006 — 5:28pm PDT

    Hey, I just checked out your posts done under Blogger – I just don’t see the uneven fonts and big pix you mentioned. Everything looks fine. Now I’m even more eager to switch platforms.

  16. lesleySaturday, October 14th, 2006 — 8:54pm PDT

    looks good 🙂 we enjoy wordpress, too 🙂

  17. JennySunday, October 15th, 2006 — 2:58am PDT

    Hi there, I had fun dancing with you and looking at your boobies. Yes you are right, they taste lovely.
    Sorry to say I am the younger twin but hey, age ain’t nothing but a number.

  18. JennySunday, October 15th, 2006 — 2:58pm PDT

    Who lets me leave comments at 3am after a night out!?!

  19. Miss604Sunday, October 15th, 2006 — 3:41pm PDT

    Hehehe I forgot that you were an approved author on my Blogger account so that flowed over here – your comments dont get moderated so they get posted right away YAY :p

  20. JeremyWednesday, October 18th, 2006 — 10:29am PDT

    Love your new blog! I hadn’t been around in a bit and was totally floored with how good this looks. Great job.

  21. LoLo D.Wednesday, October 18th, 2006 — 10:54pm PDT

    yes, yes, as usual, I’m way behind the times. Your new site is pretty. Stop flashing that makeupy picture of me around. And Jenny whenever you think you can make it downtown during the week, let me know & I’ll hook you up with an appointment for whatever they’re learning. I think this week is makeup, though.

  22. wynFriday, October 20th, 2006 — 3:50pm PDT

    Your new blog looks great! I wasn’t get your feeds for a few days since the switchover.
    I see that Blogger Beta has tags which is a feature with WordPress I love so I might stick with Blogger for a bit longer….

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